Havanese Breed Magazine - Showsight


“Is anyone at fault—or are we all at fault? In my opinion, we are all at fault.... THEREFORE, BREEDERS, EXHIBITORS, AND JUDGES ALL HAVE AN EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE PRESERVATION OF OUR BREED.”

1. Topline: Straight, but not level, rising slightly from the withers to rump… the result of moderate angulation fore and aft com- bined with a typically short upper arm. 2. Outline: Slightly longer than tall, with head carried high, and tail arched over back. 3. Gait: Springy, with moderate reach and drive, showing free reach and good extension; not stilted. May show flash of pad coming and going. The topline holds under movement, neither flattening nor roaching. 4. Coat : Soft, silky, wavy, and abundant. May be corded. 5. Expression: Broad backskull and large, dark almond eyes; correct ear set follows line of skull; full rectangular muzzle is slightly shorter than backskull. The expression is soft and intel- ligent, mischievous rather than cute. 6. Temperament: Intelligent, playful, sweet, and non-quarrelsome. Important Note: The six critical elements of breed type listed above are in judging order, not in order of importance. All should be given equal weight in judging, regardless of whether they are visible on the go-around or only on the table. “Dog People” come in three main categories; breeders, exhibitors, and judges. All three seem to have opinions about the ailments of the breed. Instead of playing the “Blame Game,” I believe—from my point of view as an experienced breeder and handler—that we each have a responsibility to ensure that we take an active role in correcting and preserving the breed we love. Breeders, breed the best Havanese possible, following the guidelines set in the breed standard. Exhibi- tors, present the best example of the breed, keeping true to the prop- er grooming and handling procedures when presenting in the ring. Judges, award the best examples of the standard in the ring, at times making difficult decisions. Breeders, exhibitors, and judges working together in tandem as partners is the solution to what ails our breed.

highly trained to evaluate the dogs that will be presented to them. Outside the ring, we often scratch our heads and ask how or why the judge put up one dog versus another. From outside the ring, the onlooker cannot see the dog’s bite, determine by feeling if the dog has the proper rise, shoulder layback, correct front, and so on. Other times, a ringside observer will feel that the dog receiving an award did not show the proper elements of breed type. Judges might say that the dog they awarded the points to was the best they had to work with. Back to the blame game; breeders and exhibitors are not showing the best examples of the breed. So, what can we do as breeders, exhibitors or judges? Is any- one at fault—or are we all at fault? In my opinion, we are all at fault. I like to compare this situation to an equilateral triangle; in geometry, an equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal. Therefore, breeders, exhibitors, and judges all have an equal responsibility in the preservation of our breed. Breeders need to stay true to the breed, breeding the best possible Havanese according to “the breed standard.” There will always be room (within reason) for interpretation of the standard. Exhibitors need to show the best example of the Havanese according to “the breed standard.” Show the dog to its fullest extent, make it shine in the ring, and limit grooming to meet the set guidelines of the Havanese standard. Judges need to award dogs that are the best examples of the breed type as they understand it, encourage new breeders and exhibitors when possible, and withhold ribbons, if and when necessary. Havanese Judges’ Education has an excellent guide: Havanese Breed Type at a Glance . This guide outlines the six critical elements of the Havanese Breed Type (i.e., What makes a Havanese unique among Toys?):


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