Toy Fox Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight

Th ey’re called the 4 equals and they de fi ne the pro fi le: 1. Th e length of muzzle is equal to the length of back skull. 2. Th e total length of head is equal to the length of neck. 3. Th e height measured at the withers is equal to length measure from point of shoulder to buttocks. 4. Th e body measured from withers to elbows is equal to the distance from elbows to the fl oor. Th e pro fi le should denote squareness, balance and de fi nite athletic appearance. Size can range from 8 ½ " to 11 ½ "—that allows for a considerable di ff erence in size. However look for the same qualities. An ath- letic appearance displaying grace and agility in equal measure with strength and stamina. You should see this in all sizes, small to the largest. Our present day urban society doesn’t require our dogs to routinely rid vermin or sporting dogs to put food on the table. We still want the form which comes from that function. A tip when you look at your line up think form follows function and think which ones could do the intended function. Walk the Line Now we walk the line and look at the unique elegant heads; it’s one of the breed’s hallmarks that separate it from other breeds. Observe the gradual taper- ing wedge-shaped head. Th e alert expres- sion, full of interest and intelligent. Th e expression shows the Terrier in fl uence. Th e wedge shape is soft, but never round headed or apple headed. Th e ears that contribute so much to the look are set high on the head not coming o ff the side. Erect, pointed and inverted V-shaped. Showing the Fox Terrier and Manchester in fl uence and not the Chihua- hua’s in head type. On the Table It’s time to go to the table to con fi rm what you have seen on the fl oor. It’s a short-coated breed with nothing to hide. Check for bite, remember full dentition is preferred, but missing teeth are not to be faulted as long as the bite is scis- sors. Check coat texture, testicles and muscle. Th e standard calls for a muscu-

lar body with a smooth elegant outline. Th is can all be done with the lightest of touches. TFTs don’t like the unnecessary massages and mallings so often seen. Ver- ify on the table; judge on the fl oor. Col- or comes in 4 varieties with white being basic to all of them. Th e body must be over 50% white or all white. Spots on the body match the main color of the head. Combinations are: t 8IJUFCMBDLBOEUBOUSJDPMPS t 8IJUFDIPDPMBUFBOEUBOUSJDPMPS t 8IJUFBOEUBO t 8IJUFBOECMBDL Blazes on heads can not extend into eyes or ears, which would be a DQ. Time to Move An athletic dog capable of going to ground and chasing vermin, the TFT has to move with freedom and carriage to carry out the task. Not hackney or stilted. Good reach and drive able to turn on a dime (or jump over a Toy Poodle friend in full stride). Coming and going look for double tracking with slight convergence at a trot. A smooth graceful stride, not labored in any way. Head and tail carried erect in a true terrier fashion. Th e top line should always be straight and level standing and in motion. Making your Placements As you look at the class again, time to re fl ect on which ones have the hallmarks of the breed. If the choice is hard, think which one would you take home to rid the ver- min from your barn. If you have read my ramblings to this point, thank you for your time. I hope in some small way it has helped. Or maybe given you some things to ponder. If you see me at a show and have questions, please ask me. I love talking TFT. Challenge Th e ATFTC has done a great job with their standard. It is clear and concise. On their website they have a wonderful illus- trated standard ( std/ibsFlash/index.html). My last chal- lenge is spend a little time to understand the standard. Th en tell me why you can’t be a star judging TFT. Th e breed needs your e ff orts.

BIO In his dog career Jon Rawleigh has owned and shown to their Championship, Danes, English Setters, English Cockers and Bulldogs. He decided to retire from his teaching profession and turn to han- dling as a career. In that time period he showed to their Championship, 76 di ff er- ent breeds. He showed dogs to Group 1s in all 7 Groups and won BIS in four di ff erent Groups. He also was owner/handler of the top winning English Cocker in 1981. Jon was also active in dog clubs. He served as President of Genesee Valley KC in Rochester, NY. Served on the Board of Tonawanda KC in Tonawanda, NY. President of the Poodle Club of Oklahoma and served on the Board of the Professional Handlers Association. He retired from Handling and went to work for the AKC as an Executive Field Representative. Later on he went into the AKC o ffi ce as Assistant Vice President for Communications. He left AKC and went to work at Onofrio Dog Shows as a Superintendent and Training Director. He retired from Onofrio to play golf, but ended up showing dogs again. Jon’s educational activities included serv- ing as a Research associate at the National Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology. He studied cognitive learn- ing styles Involving Media. He was requit- ed to a Community Collage, to serve as the Department Head of a Media Center, where he developed Programmed instruction and Television Instructional Programs. Jon is now showing dogs and serving as Educational Chair for the ATFTC.


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