Boxer Breed Magazine - Showsight

˃ѵըeT Q&A


our breed grow better in quality year after year. It was a dis- tinct privilege to join the AKC judging community almost 10 years ago and I am honored to have been selected to judge the 2017 American Boxer Club specialty. JUDITH VORAN My husband, Bruce, and I live in Strawberry, Arizona, at 6000 feet in the deep Ponderosa Forest of northern Arizo- na. The house was built 40+ years ago on a small acreage while we were professional educators working in the Metro- politan Phoenix area and was remodeled some 17 years ago. Currently, Bruce runs a “micro-farm” and I dabble in geneal- ogy and other techy-stuff. Bruce and I obtained our first reg- istered Beagle in 1972 and in 1980 became acquainted with a Boxer Club of Arizona member who shepherded us into the show world with one of her puppies that became one of our first AKC Champions. Other members of the BCOA helped us along with two beautiful bitches that became the founda- tion for a line of Boxers—Strawberry Boxers. Each produced a long line of American Boxer Club Dams and Sires of Merit. Each DOM or SOM descended generation after generation from American/Canadian Ch. Strawberry’s Caballero, SOM who finished his AKC Championship in 1983 under the guid- ance of the late Chuck Steele. We both are AKC approved judges. I began judging in 2002 and now judge the Working Group and Bruce began judging in 1990 and judge both the Working and Herding Groups as well as Best in Show, plus a number of other breeds.

J&LS: Our “must have” traits in the Boxer breed are as indicated in our standard. Square—Body in profile from front of forechest to rear upper thigh is equal to the top of the withers to the ground. Head—Harmonious propor- tions as listed in the standard plus an alert expression. Temperament—Should be animated with an outgoing personality but under control. Conditioning—Before entering the show ring, should be properly exercised and conditioned which enhances body weight, coat condition and temperament. SKS: Balance, squareness, substance and elegance. JV: Square, well-balanced and proportioned, well-propor- tioned headpiece, ease of reach and drive, medium-sized and with solid temperament. 3. Are there any traits in this breed you fear are becoming exaggerated? D&SA: There is too much elegance to the detriment of type as well as a lack of substance and forechest, straight shoulders and imbalance. AB: They are now taller than they used to be and have strayed from being medium sized. They have lost good shoulder layback, good forechest and good bone. Breed- ers like more length of leg since it shows a more elegant look, but some are too much. We are also losing the square look since I see slightly longer body proportions in many. AG: Boxers are getting too tall. Boxers are medium-sized, square dogs. I am also concerned about some that are fearful in the ring. The Boxer is a stand-your-ground dog and a spooked or frightened dog does not belong in the show ring—or in anyone’s breeding program. TJL: The Boxer is defined as a “medium, square” dog, but there has been a trend towards larger exhibits. Also, shoul- ders and angulation seldom meet the standard’s descrip- tion of a 90 degree angle, often creating a topline sloping in excess of the standard’s description of “gently sloping.” “SQUARE, SOUND, BEAUTIFUL HEAD; IMPECCABLE TEMPERAMENT ABOVE ALL ELSE.”

1. Describe the breed in three words. D&SA: Noble, intelligent and fun-loving.

AB: Square, head and balance. AG: Funny, loyal and beautiful. TJL: How about four words, from the Boxer standard— strength, agility, elegance and style! J&LS: Our three words to describe the Boxer are square, head and temperament. SKS: Square, balanced and substance. JV: Square, medium-sized/well chiseled and energetic. 2. What are your “must have” traits in this breed? D&SA: Square, sound, beautiful head; impeccable tempera- ment above all else. AB: Type, correct head, medium size, square, proper combi- nation of substance and elegance, good front, good move- ment and good temperament. AG: Good temperament is always my first requirement on both the dogs I own and the dogs I judge. Being healthy and coming as close to the standard round out the top three requirements on my list. TJL: Proper head (it’s what defines the breed), proper movement (essential for fulfilling its purpose) and proper temperament.

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