Boxer Breed Magazine - Showsight

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definition and believe the American Box- er Club should adopt it in the standard instead of being omissive about eye shape. Boxers should have dark brown eyes, the lighter shades result in a bird of prey expression that is not desirable for this breed. Th e third eyelids ideally should have a pigmented outer band but often because of the amounts of white markings on the face and other factors, it might be unpigmented on one or both sides. Th e standard allows for either cropped or uncropped ears. Th e first should stand erect when the dog is alert and should have a shape that enhances the dog’s lines. Th e natural ear should lay against the cheeks and have a well-defined crease right at the base. White markings are acceptable on the face and typically replace part of the oth- erwise necessary black mask on the muzzle and may extend onto the skull between the eyes. Th ere is no exact definition for what a “mismark” regarding markings on the head is in the standard but certainly the eyes should be surrounded by the black mask and no white markings should extend that far—I wish the standard would mention that requirement as it is common practice not to show dogs marked in such pattern—it’s like an unwritten DQ and in my view should be listed as a mismark and a disqualification. Sometimes while markings will cover the corner of the lips and side of the face. Th e standard does not address that but common sense would say that if the expression is not a ff ected the markings are likely acceptable. Unfortunately, there is a big trend now- adays to artificially enhance the black mask of showdogs and cover the “undesired”



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