Komondor Breed Magazine - Showsight

catch and kill a wolf. Wolves don’t just run in a straight line. Th e Komondor normally jumps on and knocks down its victim, often after “posturing” by leaping and throwing its coat out to make it look bigger. To evaluate movement look at pads coming and going and watch the coat. A well-balanced dog will flow and the cords will remain vertical. Common movement faults are lack of front and rear balance, over reaching, straight shoulders, over or under angulated rears, cow hocks and poor coupling between front and rear which causes a rolling gait. Evaluate the gait at a trot brisk enough to determine drive. Because this is a breed to be evaluated for its working ability, soundness should be considered a part of type. When you are judging this breed you will be faced with a lot of choices. Since our standard does not give a point scale or a list of priorities, please base your deci- sions on the relative ability of each dog to do the job of a livestock guard. Emphasize those good attributes which relate to func- tion, while understanding that “type” is more than coat. It is not uncommon to have a class of dogs who are all of one type except one. Please do not assume that the “odd dog out” is the one who is incorrect. Step back and mentally review what is important in the standard and put up the dog who comes closest to the ideal dog to work in the field. t $PMPSPUIFSUIBOXIJUF XJUIUIFFYDFQ - tion of small amounts of cream or bu ff in puppies t 'MFTIDPMPSFEOPTF t 4IPSU TNPPUIIBJSPOCPUIIFBEBOEMFHT t 'BJMVSFPGUIFDPBUUPDPSECZUXPZFBST of age t ɨSFFPSNPSFNJTTJOHUFFUI Disqualifications t #MVF&ZFT

A good example of gait.

This is a Kuvasz — the disqualification was meant to designate a clear difference between the two breeds.

is sometimes seen in puppies, but fades with maturity.” “Color other than white, with the exception of small amounts of cream or bu ff in puppies, is a disqualification.” Th e color of the Komondor can be described as buttercream, pearl white, or bone white. It is not the glistening blue- white of some other white breeds. Because genetically the Komondor is a dilute red, the white may have some bu ff or apricot in puppies. Light does not reflect o ff the coat as in other breeds, but is either reflected o ff obliquely or absorbed. You have the right to expect every dog in your ring to be clean, but do not fault stains. If you have a ques- tion about color, look at the coat at the skin. Gait “Light, leisurely and balanced. Th e Komondor takes long strides, is very agile and light on his feet. Th e head is carried slightly forward when the dog trots.” When evaluating gait on a fully coated dog, look for the feet, both coming and going. Where the feet land will show you how the dog is moving, whether close, wide, cow-hocked, or straight and parallel, which is what we want to see. Agility and balance are crucial attributes because the Komondor must be able to

Disqualification: Blue Eyes

Disqualification: Color other than white

Disqualification: Flesh colored nose

“Emphasize those good attributes which relate to function,


Disqualification: Three or more missing teeth

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