Komondor Breed Magazine - Showsight


By Nancy Liebes Komondor Club of American Education Committee Chairperson


our first impression of a Komondor should be that of a large, calm dog who confidently owns the ground he stands over. Not overly friend-

ly with strangers, the dog should trust its handler enough to accept the judging process without resistance. Any dog who seems anxious should be treated with calm respect and not forced to do something with which he isn’t comfortable. In profile the dog should be slightly longer than tall with a smooth line flowing from the top of the head, down a moderate neck which flows smoothly into the shoul- ders, along a level topline, to a slightly sloping croup and ending with a tail which in repose will be carried down with a slight curve upward at the tip. When approaching please say some- thing either to the dog or the handler so the dog knows you are there. Experienced handlers will smooth the hair away from the dog’s eyes so he can see you coming but if the handler does not, you can ask them to clear the dog’s vision. I place both hands under the jaw so I can immediately gauge the depth and breadth of the head and then proceed with the head examination. A balanced head will have a topskull 3/5 of its length and a muzzle 2/5 of its length with the breadth of the topskull equaling the length of the muzzle. “ Th e muzzle is wide, coarse and trun- cated. Measured from inner corner of the eye to tip of nose the muzzle is 2/5 of the total length of the head. Th e top of the muzzle is straight and is parallel to the top of the skull. Underjaw is well-developed and broad. Lips are tight and are black in color. Ideally gums and palate are dark or black.” Th e muzzle should be powerful and broad, not pointed. Th ere should be plenty of width to accommodate a large nose and a good set of teeth. Mouth pigment should be dark, which can be evaluated when looking at the bite.

Drawing by Steven Hubbell.

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