Doberman Pinscher Breed Magazine - Showsight

ring again. So to take her from that, then eventually to Madison Square Garden was so memorable and I was so pleased with our performance and how far we had come. 3. What professional handlers have influenced you the most ? Ever since I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do at the shows was to sit and watch groups, realizing that every handler has something to offer and learn from. For me, my biggest influences are my parents of course. Both parents being professional dog handlers, I got a front row seat to learn every skill in caretaking and han- dling that they had to offer. Aside from my parents I have a huge respect for breeder/handlers, because not only are they making dogs look their best, but they are also work- ing to help better breeds as well. To me it shows a whole IntervIew wIth a JunIor handler: DYLAN KIPP

1. Tell us about your time as a Junior Handler. (How old were you when you started? What was your first Junior’s dog? When did you show your first Doberman?) What a ride that was! I loved every second I was in Juniors. It was a great way to learn how to better myself as a handler, and learn how to be a good sport. Some of the friends I made in that time period are still some of my best friends to this day. I started when I was 10 years old and began with a Norfolk Terrier. Since my mom and nana were Norfolk breeders I got various “project” dogs that I could use in Juniors. I also showed an Airedale Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier and an Affenpinscher. When I was around 14, my mom saw me playing with a friend’s Doberman and realized how much she missed the breed. She ended up getting a puppy from Judy Doniere. “Tara” was love at first sight, and when she was 6 months old she then became my Junior’s dog, and I always showed a Doberman from then on. 2. What was your biggest thrill as a Junior? There were many exciting wins and accomplishments that I achieved in my Junior days, but my greatest thrill was when I won Westminster. Granted, winning at the Garden is every Junior’s dream, but for me it meant a lot more. I showed my Doberman bitch “Paris”, Ch. Para- digm Pop Sensation, that I had acquired when she was 16 weeks old, and I did everything with her. She was one of the easiest and the hardest I have shown. After going through a loudspeaker incident, it took a long while and a lot of patience to make her comfortable in the show

new level of dedication to the sport of dogs. 4. What other breeds do you like to show?

There are so many to name! There really are not many breeds I dislike showing, aside from ones that drool a lot! Terriers are a favorite since I showed many when I was younger, but I have become involved in the Sporting Group a lot and have taken a liking to Goldens and Setters. 5. What are some of the most important qualities/ skills that a Doberman handler needs to possess to be successful? For me, when showing a Doberman, the quality you need to have is patience. It is a breed that you want to give a show stopping performance all the time, and we forget at the end of the day that they are still dogs. They all have it in them, but if you have patience in training and believe

“Both ParentS BeInG ProFeSSIonal doG handlerS, I Got a Front row Seat to learn every SKIll In CaretaKInG and handlInG that they had to oFFer.”

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