Rat Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight

A growing child couldn’t ask for a bet- ter, more loyal friend than a Rat Terrier. And while they may be tenacious while on the trail of a rat, at home they are just as comfortable snuggling next to you on the couch for a long winter nap. Outside the home, we get to see another side of the Rat Terrier. Those unfamiliar with the breed are quick to notice its keen intelligence and eye-popping athleticism. These two traits—along with exceptional brav- ery—are indispensable for a dog that

makes its living dispatching ground quarry. The athleticism and intel- ligence of the Rat Terrier can also be found on display in a simple game of fetch. There are few things more enjoyable than watching a “rattie” race across an open field, leap high in the air after a ball, and then return it with a huge grin on its face. Aesthetically, the Rat Terrier is among the most pleasing dogs in the world. Rat Terriers are structurally balanced with a well-de fi ned, expressive face. Th ey are

sturdy, but not bulky or cumbersome. In many ways, the Rat Terrier is a study in artistic balance, a combination of chis- eled musculature and e ff ortless grace. Such traits lend themselves naturally to the show ring where they have been a fi x- ture in the UKC ring for some time and this June will complete the crossover to the AKC. With a storied past and a bright future, the Rat Terrier has solidi- fi ed itself as a quintessential American success story.

“A growing child couldn’t ask for a BETTER, MORE LOYAL FRIEND THAN A RAT TERRIER.”

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