Rat Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight


topline is very different than what most judges are used to seeing on a short haired Terrier. Please remember that the Rat Terrier standard allows for a size range of 10" to 18". You will probably find it difficult to look at a 10" bitch and a 17" dog side by and apply the written standard to what you are looking at, quite honestly you will sometimes find yourself asking if they are the same breed. They can look that different. Please do not be afraid to wicket this breed, there is a DQ for size. There must be mention about temperament as well, this breed may be somewhat reserved when you approach them on the table. This does not mean shy to the point of wilting on the table or showing the whites of their eyes. They are Terriers and, reserved or not, they must not be afraid nor show aggression. 8. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the breed? Please elaborate. DB: The breed has been around for 200 or more years, but only as farm dogs catching vermin. So it still maintains a lot of different types within the breed. With all of us on board, we are in hope that the breed will become more uniformed, but that can only happen by what judges are putting up. If judges don’t know the breed, they are hurting, not helping. A good breed fancy will know its dogs and what it likes and stick with it. Many who are not as knowledgeable will breed to whatever wins. That is why it is so important for the judges to really know the breed well and educated themselves. SG: I’d like to share my admiration for the great strides the breed has made in a short time. They were really a ‘mixed bag’ when they first came in to AKC; many were

almost unrecognizable as to what breed they were. Now, there is far greater consistency in type and also in quality. LLR: The Rat Terrier is pretty much a do-anything Terrier breed. They excel at performance sports and are excellent family pets. You need to have a sense of humor to own most Terrier breeds and the Rat Terrier is no exception. Their short, smooth coat makes them a very low maintenance breed. They are very hardy and easy keepers. 9. And, for a bit of humor: what’s the funniest thing you’ve ever experienced at a dog show? DB: At one of my very first times showing a Bullmastiff, upon going around the ring, the dog decided it wanted its food now and jumped at my bait pouch. All the meat went flying to the floor with all the dogs in the ring jump- ing for the meat. Needless to say, I was pretty red faced at the time, but it was funny. SG: Many years ago, I was showing a very outgoing, exuber- ant seven-month-old puppy in Bred By. A fellow exhibi- tor watched his antics in the ring and after he won the points, laughingly described him as a, “Dope on a rope!” LLR: The story I like to share about a judging experience that really sticks with me happened years ago. I was judging a class of puppies (not Rat Terriers) and as I approached the table to examine the dog he took one look at me coming towards him, leaped up in the air and over my head at which point I reached up, caught him mid-air, set him back on the table, gave him and his owner time to compose themselves and preceded to judge the dog. The owner and I had several laughs about that over the years and the dog did go on to become a Champion.

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