Jagdterrier Breed Magazine - Showsight


GENERAL APPEARANCE : A smallish, generally black and tan, compact, well proportioned working hunting dog.

IMPORTANT chest circumference to height at the withers: The circumference of the chest is 10 to 12 cm more than the height at the withers. Body length to height at the withers: The body is insignificantly longer than the height at the withers. Depth of chest to height at the withers, circa 55 – 60 % of the height at the withers. PROPORTIONS : Proportion of BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Courageous and hard, takes pleasure in work, enduring, vital, full of temperament, reliable, sociable and trainable, neither shy nor aggressive.


CRANIAL REGION: Elongated, slightly wedge-shaped, not pointed. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull, from occiput to stop. Skull: The skull is flat, broad between the ears, narrower between the eyes. Stop: Slightly marked. FACIAL REGION: Nose: In harmony with the muzzle, neither too narrow nor too small, not cleft. Always black, but when the colour of the coat is dominantly brown, a brown nose is also permitted. Muzzle: Strong, pronounced jaw-muscles and distinct lower jaw,

strongly pronounced chin. Cheeks: Well pronounced. Lips: Tight and well pigmented.

Jaws/Teeth: Big teeth. Strong jaws with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, whereby the row of upper incisors, without gap, perfectly locks over the lower incisors, and with the teeth standing vertically to the jaws. 42 teeth in accordance with the teeth formula

FCI-St. N° 103 / 26.05.2015

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