Showsight - March 2018

Stop, Look and Listen: Everyone’s a Spectator at Westminster BY DAN SAYERS continued

The scoreboard at the fourth Madison Square Garden has towered over exhibitors and spectators alike since the legendary arena opened its doors in 1968. Photo by Dan Sayers

New York and around the world what was on his mind. His triumphant vic- tory seemed to shout, “All I care about is love!” LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART With so many dogs to love and peo- ple to see, it’s a wonder visitors to West- minster can manage to make it through to Best in Show at all following the mar- athon of shows they’ve just endured. But dog people are a hardy lot and the Garden has plenty of comfortable seats to take at the end of a grueling day. There’s no better place to watch a dog show. The lighting is perfection and the acoustics supports both thunderous cheers and nail-biting silence in equal measure. In fact, the sounds of West- minster are a big part of what makes the show special. The singing of the National Anthem never fails to inspire and the powerful voice of the show’s announcer sets the perfect tone to

deliver breed-specific information as well as the occasional reminder that every dog on the floor is the result— and responsibility—of a dedicated pres- ervation breeder. Spontaneous cheers and jeers mark memorable moments throughout the night, as does laughter inspired by a big stretch from a little

dog or a tall sit-up from one that’s long and low. For those lucky few who find themselves sitting in the world’s most famous arena on a cold night in Feb- ruary, these are the sounds of a cel- ebration that began 142 years ago that remains firmly fixed in the hearts of every devoted dog fancier today.

132 • S how S ight M agazine , M arch 2018

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