Belgian Malinois Breed Magazine - Showsight

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Forequarters: The forequarters are muscular without excessive bulkiness. The shoulder blades are long and sloping, laid flat against the body, forming a sufficient angle with the upper arm to ensure free and efficient movement. The legs are straight, strong, and parallel to each other. The bone is solid but not heavy; it is more oval than round. Muscle is dry and strong. The pastern is short, strong and very slightly sloped. Dewclaws may be removed. The feet are cat-like, well padded with the toes curved close together. The nails are strong and black except that they may be white to match the white toe tips. Hindquarters: The hindquarters are powerful without heaviness. Angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the forequarters. The upper and lower thigh bones should approximately parallel the shoulder blade and upper arm, respectively. Legs are parallel to each other. The thighs should be well muscled. The hocks are short, strong, parallel and moderately angulated. Metatarsi are strong and short. Dewclaws, if any, may be removed. The hind feet are slightly oval, toes are arched and compact. Pads are thick and well-padded. Nails are dark and strong, although they may be white to match white toes. Coat: The coat should be comparatively short, straight, hard enough to be weather resistant, with dense undercoat. It should be very short on the head, ears, and lower legs. The hair is somewhat longer around the neck where it forms a collarette, and on the tail and backs of the thighs. The coat should conform to the body without standing out or hanging down. Lack of sufficient undercoat to form a double coat is a fault. Hair that is too long, silky or wiry is a fault. The Belgian Malinois is a natural breed and there is no need for excessive grooming. Color : The ideal coloring is a rich fawn to mahogany, with black tips on the hairs giving an overlay appearance. The blackening must not appear as patched or brindled. The underparts of the body, tail and breeches are lighter fawn. Washed-out fawn color on the body is a fault. The mask must be pronounced and tends to encompass the top and bottom lip, the corners of the lips and the eyelids in one single black zone. The mask and ears appear black. The tips of toes may be white, and a small white spot on the breastbone is permitted, not to extend to the neck. White markings, except as noted, are faulted. Any color or color combination not described in the standard should be disqualified. Gait: The movement is smooth, free and easy, seemingly never tiring, exhibiting facility of movement rather than a hard driving action. The Belgian Malinois single tracks at a fast gait, the legs, both front and rear, converging toward the center line of gravity, while the topline remains firm and level, parallel to the line of motion with no crabbing. The breed shows a marked tendency to move in a circle rather than a straight line. Temperament: Correct temperament is essential to the working character of the Belgian Malinois. He is alert, intelligent, inquisitive and confident, showing neither fear nor aggression. He is energetic, ready for action, yet highly responsive to his owner’s direction. His lively character should be evident in his proud carriage and sparkling attentive eyes. The Belgian Malinois is an exceptional watchdog. Vigilant yet responsive, he balances all the qualities needed in a stock dog, protector and sensible working partner. He is firmly loyal to those he loves but may be indifferent with strangers. Displays of fear or aggression are to be severely penalized. Disqualifications: Males under 23 inches or over 27 inches and females under 21 inches or over 25 inches. Ears hanging as on a hound, or semi-prick ears.

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