Showsight February 2017



I want to share something with you, a cold hard fact that affects your next show, your future and a major part of what makes you happy. This isn’t good news, it isn’t insight into genetics or canine health, it’s a glimpse into the future. It is the end of the circus elephants, Liberty Horses, high wire acts, every- thing under The Big Top, circus acts that have thrilled us for over 145 years. No more side shows, barkers, cotton candy or rides. Without elephants, the acknowledged main attraction, the cir- cus dies. The last-ever performance is this May. More than the end of the circus, it signifies the end of an era and our right to choose our values. PETA people will take time out from harassing dog breed- ers to celebrate their victory in ending the circus. Republican or Democrat or fiercely Independent, we are not a bunch of bleeding hearts with mush for brains and egos bigger than an ele- phant’s butt. Oh, ‘scuse me, I forgot you show so of course you have ego but you love your dogs and you love your coun- try and the freedom it affords us. This is your epiphany, your wake-up call. Don’t get so wrapped up in breed- ing and proving the quality of your hob- by that you don’t have time to defend your right to do that! Let your guard down and you are next! The circus saw it coming. In your browser, type “ circus elephants fight back.” In 2015 they won a $25 MILLION settlement from HSUS. But we, me and you, have too busy or blind to stop the animal rights movement. Wake up to what has just happened. You could be the circus. The end of an era of carefully created purebred dogs. Dog show attendance is waning. The pampered pooch, the purebred dog is

no longer a symbol of wealthy Ameri- cans. Yeah, it once was. Now you can buy them in any pet shop. Just like the Circus was an iconic symbol of Amer- ica’s family entertainment, ownership of a purebred dog meant you had good taste. Your well-bred dog was a predict- able comfort to you. Few of you reading this will remember the Great Depres- sion. But even then, the circus came. For a few hours, the animals and the wondrous acts and the circus clowns gave laughter and awestruck moments to children and their worried parents.

in the circus do with their lives? What would you do if suddenly there were no more dog shows, not even obedience or field trials? So think as you read this. We blink- ed. Even the chat lists and Facebook are on to other topics besides animal rights. But now your eyes are opened. You see that they are out there stronger than ever, feeding their ego by eating up your right to own animals. You remember when they threw blood on the fur coats of Westmin- ster attendees. Or was that before your time in dogs? Since then they’ve learned to work through the courts and public opinion. The end of the circus is a milestone and you missed it as all across America children (and adults) will miss the elephants with their ornate deco- rations and sparkling performers. The Animal “Rights” money-grubbers won’t give that a second thought as they rake in another million tax-free dollars this week. Yeah, this week. And with it they will buy more heart-breaking television ads but will one single animal benefit? Will your children and grandchil- dren benefit from never seeing an elephant perform? I have the right to ask that because those who know me well know that after my dogs, I love the elephant more than most people. I’m not stupid. I know “Jumbo” would rather be in the jungle than a circus ring or even at the elephant sanctuary in Florida. You’d rather be basking on a beach somewhere than doing your job but hey, that’s life. We’re coming into a new era politi- cally speaking. Perhaps there’s hope for life without Animal Rights activists, predators on society. It is up to us to bring human rights and Constitutional Rights back to being more important than “animal rights” which you and I know, was never about animals!

So my friends, stop and think. Are you glad PETA killed the circus? Have you subconsciously bought into the Animal Rights picture of the cir- cus? In the back of your mind you think PETA is right, the circus is cruel to ani- mals. See? You fell for the smidgen of truth used to kill an American tradition. Of course a tiger would rather be prowl- ing the jungle, hungry, than be caged, fat and contented. But you’d rather be on vacation than at work… Okay, you’re coming around. Now think about the people whose entire lives have been devoted to training and caring for the animals. Their hopes, dreams and their greatest love has been crushed. Anyone who has read the book or seen the movie Water For Elephants will understand. These are not cruel, heartless, uncaring people as the animal rights whackos would have you believe. Their lives are devot- ed to animals, from sunup to sundown. Seven days a week. What will those people, many of them born and raised

78 • S how S ight M agazine , F ebruary 2017

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