Mudi Breed Magazine - Showsight

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Gait : Action is true, free, supple and tireless, exhibiting facility of movement rather than hard driving action. The trot is not long striding yet covers the ground with a minimum of effort. The capability of quick and sudden movement is essential. Temperament: The Mudi is alert, energetic, intelligent, biddable, adaptable and always enthusiastic about any job that needs to be done. The Mudi is sensibly suspicious and therefore an excellent watchdog. Faults : Any deviation from the foregoing should be considered a fault, the seriousness of the fault depending upon the extent of the deviation. Disqualifications : Dogs less than 15 ½ inches and over 19 inches, and bitches less than 14 ½ inches and over 18 inches. Yellow eyes in black dogs. Pink (albino) eyes in white dogs. Incomplete or pink pigmentation of the eye rims. Drop or semi-pricked ears. Pink or spotted nose. Over or undershot mouth, wry mouth. Short, smooth, flat coat on the whole body; long hair on the face. Wolf gray (agouti - alternating bands of color along each hair shaft), black and tan, albino (pure white with pale pink skin and pink eyes) or any other color or markings not listed.

Approved October 9, 2017 Effective July 1, 2018

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