Dachshund Breed Magazine - Showsight

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at the insert of the neck into the shoulder. We also look for good shoulder lay-back and a return of upper arm that places the back of the front paw directly under a ver- tical line dropped from the withers. Th e rear angulation should mirror the front angles, with hocks well-let-down and perpendicular. A pencil placed across the hocks should not roll o ff . Th e tail should be set on as an extension of the top line. Next, approach the exhibit from the front and check the head, which should taper uniformly from the back skull to the nose, with ears near the top of the head (not at eye level) essentially fram- ing the head, which a ff ects the expres- sion and type. Eyes should be almond- shaped, dark rimmed and dark. Round eyes are a fault. Dapple dogs may have wall (blue) eyes, which are otherwise a serious fault. Th e bite should be scissors and the underjaw and hinged well back of the eyes has strongly developed bones and teeth. Weak underjaws and snipey

muzzles should be faulted, as a hunter has to have a punishing bite. Evaluation of the front is critical, as it is a distinguishing feature of the breed and the standard spends more time describing it than any other part of the dog. Th e prosternum should be so prominent that dimples are visible on both sides of the chest, which should appear oval and extend downward to the midpoint of the forelegs. Th e shoul- ders should have good angulation, be well inclined and have proper lay-back or placement. Th is front is more angled than with most hounds, requiring right angles between the shoulder blade and the upper arm and between the upper arm and the foreleg. Th e front “wraps around” that chest, forming parenthe- ses, if you will, with the shoulders being wider than the wrists. Th e feet may be inclined slightly outwards and should be tight and compact. As with any hound, splayed feet are very undesirable.


Moving to the side, I place my right hand on the withers and check shoulder placement and run my left hand down the front of the neck and feel the forechest. I then place my left thumb on the high- est point of the withers, my second finger on the point of shoulder and then swing my thumb to the elbow. Th is allows me to evaluate the front angles and wheth- er there is equal length of shoulder and



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