Finnish Lapphund Breed Magazine - Showsight


A Lappy litter often has a multitude of colors.

Black Wolf Sable – Black Wolf Sable have individual hair shafts with three or more bands of color, always starting with black at the base and ending with black at the tip. The alternating color is lighter, usually a shade of tan. They can also be seen with tan point masks, but without the signature eyebrow pips. The actual color can be difficult to identify at birth, and as adults, the sable (black tip) guard hairs can cover the body, giving the appearance of a Black and Tan dog. Brown Wolf Sable – Brown Wolf Sable is less common, with the individual hair shafts having three or more bands of color of various shades of brown. The alternating color is a lighter shade of tan. There are many registered “Brown” Lappies that are actually suspected to be Brown Wolf Sables. The Wolf Sable can sometimes be hard to detect without a DNA color test, especially on an adult. Sable Black – Sables range in color from pale cream to deep red/orange. Black or Brown pigment and sable tips gives away the base color. The pigment is often retained and doesn’t fade over time like it does on Creams. Calling a dog a Black Sable can confuse people when what they see is a tan/brown/reddish-colored dog.

The image above shows a litter of Finnish Lapphund puppies that produced four colors, with a variety of color intensity and markings. Eye color, nose pigment, tan intensity, and markings can change as the puppies mature. This photo is from the Kalo Skilo “James Bond litter.” Breeder is Maria Knudsen of Norway. Photographer is Rita Bekkeli. From left to right: • Black and Tan - Minor White Markings • Brown and Tan - Light Brown Color and Lighter Eyes to Match Coat Color • Cream - Underlying Brown, Hint of White Markings, and Nose Already Turning Pink • Black and Tan - Extensive White Markings • Brown and Tan - Dark Brown Color, White Markings, and Darker Eyes to Match Coat Color • Black Domino - Butterfly Nose Already Visible Since all colors are allowed, labeling the colors is a way Lappy people (like the Sami people) can identify a dog. Like the Sami people, Lappy people also describe and identify the dogs by color. Here are the common descriptions of various colors: COAT COLORS Black – Black is the most common color, usually with tan point markings (often referred to as Black and Tan), and is the most-recognized color for the breed. Tan intensity varies from pale cream to deep caramel. Brown – Brown Lappies are found in various shades, with or without Tan or White markings. Browns lack black pigment and will have a brown nose, eye rim, lip, and pad pigment. Browns can range from light brown to chocolate to reddish brown. In Finland, the brown color is called Ruskea (brown) or Parkki (tree bark). Cream – Creams mask every other color. The pigment color on the nose, eye rims, lips, and feet give away the base color of Black or Brown. Pigment often fades on Cream Lappies, espe- cially on the nose, and even more so over the winter.


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