Showsight January 2024

ALL POLITICS IS LOCAL EASY WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR DOGS IN YOUR COMMUNITY AKC GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: JACOB HUPP, BOB RILLING-SMITH, CHARLEY HALL WITH JENNIFER CLARK AND SHEILA GOFFE I n November, local communities throughout the country held elections for county and local officials. Only four states (Louisiana, Missis- sippi, New Jersey, and Virginia) held elections for state legislatures. “Off year” elections like 2023 typically capture less public and media imagination, and voter turnout can struggle to reach even half the rate achieved in presidential election years.

The irony is that local elections—the ones with the greatest impact on the daily lives of dog enthu- siasts—are also the ones that the fewest people participate in. Local elections and other local engagement represent a missed opportunity—and the greatest opportunity for dog lovers to advocate for dog- and breeder-friendly laws. For dog owners and enthusi- asts, all politics truly is local. Over the past several months, the AKC Gov- ernment Relations team has tracked an increase in efforts by local governments on a wide range of issues impacting responsible dog owners and their dogs. The most prominent and troubling efforts include new mandatory spay/neuter proposals and efforts to restrict intact dog ownership and breeding. In each case, engagement by local clubs, dog enthu- siasts, and breeders has been crucial in protecting the future of purebred dogs in these communities. HERE ARE TWO CURRENT EXAMPLES Las Cruces, New Mexico, recently held a work session to discuss a mandatory spay and neuter ordi- nance. In response, local clubs are stepping up to educate their mayor and the city council about the harm this ordinance could cause for canine health, responsible breeders, and dog enthusiasts. These education efforts can often lead to long-lasting rela- tionships that create opportunities for clubs to shape canine policy in their communities. In Kern County, California, a proposal before the local board of supervisors would overhaul dog licensing—and require mandatory spay/neuter for many county residents. Here again, local area club members and dog enthusiasts, along with the Cali- fornia Federation of Dog Clubs, got involved early

(and often!) in the process to help push back against misinformation offered by the proposal’s proponents. They have attended numerous local meetings, written letters, and held meetings with elected officials to shape the proposal in a much more dog owner-friendly way. Developing relationships with local lawmakers is critical to preventing bad dog laws. Educating candidates about the value of responsible dog owners, enthu- siasts and breeders ( and participating in local elections is an easy way to make an impact. The run up and immediate aftermath of an election—when lawmakers are most available to their constituents—also offer a valuable opportunity for clubs to introduce themselves and develop a productive relationship with lawmakers and candidates. HERE’S AN EASY WAY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE —BEFORE BAD LAWS ARE INTRODUCED Considering local elections were held across the country in November, and most state legislatures are adjourned until 2024, now is a perfect time for individual dog owners, club members, and clubs to get in touch with newly elected and re-elected local lawmakers. • Introduce yourself (and your club). The first step is to let local lawmak- ers know who you are. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to meet lawmakers at community events and office hours designed to foster dialogue between lawmakers and their constituents. Often, you can find this information on their social media pages. To further aid in these intro- duction efforts, you can find a sample introductory letter in the tool box in AKC’s Legislative Action Center at: (chrome-extension:// efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Club_Introduction_Letter.pdf?_ga=2.128189007.2145456587.1525696617- 1422814510.1521724924), which you can send or use as a guideline in your introductory conversations.


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