Showsight January 2024


• Contact lawmakers via phone or email at their office and see if you can schedule an appointment or arrange a tele- phone call to introduce yourself and explain your willingness to serve as a resource for any issues related to responsible dog ownership, breeding, and issues related to zoning. The vast majority of elected officials are not dog experts. They rely on their constituents for advice. If we as enthusiasts and breeders do not share our expertise, lawmakers are forced to rely on the resources that are offered them… often by animal rights groups. Check your local community and county’s websites for contact information. If it’s not listed, you can also ask the Clerk’s office for the best way to reach out to local officials. • Invite them to shows and events. This is a great way to introduce lawmakers to the fun of our sport and the impor- tance of supporting responsible breeders and hobbyists. Let them know how dog events and responsible dog owners and breeders benefit the community. Consider giving them a tour—or better yet, allow them to present a Best in Show or another award. If your club is participating in local commu- nity activities and events, be sure to let your local lawmakers know. AKC GR can help you with all aspects of this, from inviting the lawmakers, to tips on communicating, to appro- priate resources and materials to provide, and more. • Let them know of your club’s good work in the com- munity. When communicating with lawmakers, AKC GR always lets them know if there are AKC clubs in their district/city/county. You can help to strengthen this talking point by letting them know what you do in the community. If you are offering a training class or CGC certification, write your local lawmaker and let them know. Did you donate money for K9 vests or participate in the Adopt a K9 Cop Program? Let your lawmakers know and let your local media know too. This demonstrates your value to the com- munity and also, again, shows your expertise on local dog issues. • Volunteer at your local shelter. Not only is this a great community service, but it shows your local animal control officers that you care about these dogs and want to be a part of the solution. Often, too, local proposals are brought for- ward by local animal control directors and officers. By hav- ing a relationship and working with them, you may be able to better learn about these concerns and offer your expertise before a negative proposal is introduced. • Sign up for local boards and advisory commissions. Many counties and communities have an animal advisory board or commission. Consider applying for open seats on these boards to ensure the voice of local clubs and hobbyists are heard. If there aren’t any open seats or animal boards in your area, consider other boards or commissions that deal with issues of interest to you. Involvement in your commu- nity helps to develop essential relationships with leaders who can impact your ability to breed, own, and show dogs.

• Attend or designate someone to attend regularly sched- uled public meetings. Consider attending general council/ board meetings as well as key committees, and taking the time to introduce yourself to the elected officials and the appropriate staff (manager, admin assistant, etc.) so that you become a known entity. They are generally approachable before and after meetings. • Before an election, send local lawmakers a survey about their position on animal issues. Let them know that your club and community take these issues seriously and that responses will be shared with your club. Visit the Legisla- tive Action Center toolbox for sample surveys and election guides. Support the AKC Political Action Committee, and if you are working with a candidate worthy of strong support, contact the AKC PAC ( to learn how the PAC can help to elect dog-friendly candidates. The AKC’s GR Legislative Action Center and Toolbox (https:// provides a wide range of resources, including outreach planners, policy and issues analyses, sample let- ters, fact sheets, and more. When local issues do arise, AKC Gov- ernment Relations is here to help you—but we can’t do it without you! With thousands of local communities across the country, local clubs and dog owners play a key role in working together with AKC GR and in being vigilant in monitoring for proposals impacting dog owners. HOW YOU CAN HELP AKC STAY INFORMED ABOUT LOCAL PROPOSALS • Monitor local media and follow your lawmakers on social media. Keep an eye out for animal incidents in your community. These incidents are often the catalyst for changes to the law. In some cases, you may also find local stories about the development of these ordinances in local media and on social media. • Regularly check city and county websites. Most cities and counties have websites where they post meeting agendas. Learn when the council or commission meetings are held and find out when agendas are posted. Also, check to see if your city or county has an animal advisory committee and check those agendas as well. When you learn of an issue, contact AKC Government Relations and we can help you with analysis, talking points, and spreading the word to other local clubs and breeders. AKC Government Relations is happy to help you in communi- cating with lawmakers and developing policy solutions. Whether its participating in educated voting for local elections, supporting the AKC PAC, or participating in your community, your engage- ment is crucial to protecting the future of purebred dogs and dog events in your community. Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center at The Toolbox, Blogs, and Key Issues tabs are updated frequently with new resources. You can also always contact AKC GR at: doglaw@ We are glad to work with you to be effective advocates in your community on behalf of our dogs and our sport.


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