Showsight January 2024

CREATING ORDER IN THE SHOW RING A JUDGE’S PERSPECTIVE ON CONFIDENCE & CONTROL W hether you’re an owner handler or a professional handler, creat- ing order and knowing what you can and cannot control is the beginning of increasing your confidence in the ring. This is not a concept that is usually promoted in the dog show commu-

nity. As an experienced mentor for owner handlers with 20-plus years as an AKC judge, I have seen countless handlers and their dogs strive for success, and I can assure you that understanding and managing these aspects can significantly elevate your performance. THREE THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL Let’s delve into the three key areas you can control: 1. Your Budget 2. Your Preparedness 3. Your “A” Game CREATING YOUR BUDGET In the world of dog shows, where expenses can quickly spiral, setting and adhering to a budget is crucial. It allows you to allocate resources wisely, ensuring you can attend the right shows, provide the best care for your dog, and invest in quality training. Here is one scenario that budgeting can alleviate. An exhibitor wanted to get her dog into the Top 10 Breed and All-Breed but failed to create a budget at the beginning of the year. In June, she realized she wouldn’t have enough resources to reach her goal, but she continued to go to shows because one big win would put her far enough ahead to stay home and catch up with the bills. There were no big wins, and she was at #11. Consequently, she had to go to more shows than she thought. She stopped having win photos done and opted for selfies with her dog and ribbons. By the end of the year, her dog never made Top 10, and she was left with a lot of unpaid bills. A budget would have been so much easier. Setting a budget allows you to set realistic goals for you and your dog, but it can be daunting, especially if you’re new to it. However, the benefits are undeniable. Under- standing your financial situation gives you a clear picture of what is possible, helps you make informed decisions, and alleviates financial stress. How many times have I heard an exhibitor say, “I just want to finish my bitch and get her bred!” Or fill in the blank. However, the first part is always the same when money is tight and when a spe- cific goal is set without a detailed budget. By focusing on what truly matters, you can prioritize spending and enjoy the shows without the burden of financial uncertainty. STRATEGIES FOR BEING PREPARED Preparation is your secret weapon. Read the premium list to learn the show’s rules, understand the venue, anticipate the competition, and be ready for the unex- pected. Develop a routine that gets you and your dog into the right mindset and ensures you are both at peak performance when you enter the ring.



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