Irish Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight

My first litter was born with the “Ems- muehle” prefix in 1977. Since then I have bred more than 120 Champions in di ff er- ent part of the World. It´s include English Champions, International Champions, World Winner and some Crufts Winners as well. I have been still faithful to the breed and hope that will follow some excellent examples. Together with my wife, I pub- lished in 1998 and 2011, two books about the Irish Terrier. In 2007, the VDH awarded me the Baron von Gingins-Memorial-Medal. Th is is the highest cynology honors, the Association award for outstanding contri- bution to the promotion of the breed. In 1992, I got my judge license for the Terrier breeds. I am approved as an All Breed Judge (Allrounder) from the German Kennel Club (VDH) and the Federation Cynology International (FCI) in 2012. “EVERY THING ABOU T THE IRISH TERRIER IS MODERATE, exaggerated is not acceptable.”

soul of the Irish Terrier. Dark brown with dark pigment is most acceptable but never yellow or light eyes. A further important point is congru- ency of the ears. Incorrect placement of the ears will destroy the whole pic- ture. Of great importance is the ear set which should not be set too hight on the head or too close together. Tehe erect or heavy hound ear is undesirable. By drawing a parallel line over the head of the Irish Terrir from the inner edge of the eye you will come to the place where the inner edge of the ear should be set. The ears are dropping closely forward to the cheek with the tip to the outer edge of the eyes. The top of the folded ear should be well off the level of the skull max. 1.5 cm. The upper edge (the fold) of the ear should not be horizontal and must be slightly dropped to the out- side. The hair must be darker in colour than the rest fo the body and give the contrast and points more effort to the right expression. The beard and eyebrows should be from a good hard structure. The wiry and dense textue is preferable. Not too

long so they make the expression soft. Not too short so the expression looks fragile. Even “moderately” is the secret word in the standard. Everything about the Irish Terrier is moderate, exagger- ated is not acceptable. BIO In the world of show dogs I have been very actively involved since 1972 when I got my very first Irish Terrier.

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