Appenzeller Sennenhund Breed Magazine - Showsight


TAIL : Set on high, strong, of medium length, densely coated. Hair slightly longer on underside. In movement carried tightly curled over the croup, carried sideways or in centre. In repose pendent tail in various shapes tolerated.

LIMBS : Strong and dry bone.

FOREQUARTERS: General appearance: Well muscled; seen from front forelegs straight and parallel; standing not too close. Shoulder: Shoulder blade long and sloping. Upper arm: Same length or only slightly shorter than shoulder blade. Angle with shoulder blade not too blunt. Elbows: Close fitting. Forearm: Straight, lean. Pastern: Seen from front in straight continuation of the forearm.

Seen from the side, set at a very light angle. Forefeet: Short, arched, tight toes; solid pads.

HINDQUARTERS: General appearance: Well muscled. Seen from rear, hindlegs straight and parallel, standing not too close. The typical angulations result in relatively “steep” hindquarters. Upper thigh: Fairly long, forming a relatively small angle to the hip- bone (coxo-femoral joint). Lower thigh: Equally long or only slightly shorter than the upper

thigh. Lean and well-muscled. Hock joint: Set relatively high.

Hock: Set vertical and parallel, slightly longer than the front pastern, turning neither in nor out. Dewclaws must be removed, except in those countries where their removal is prohibited by law. Hind feet: Short, arched, tight toes; solid pads. GAIT / MOVEMENT : Good rear drive, well reaching stride in front. Seen from either front or rear, limbs move in a straight line when trotting.

FCI-St. N° 46 / 05.05.2003

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