Saluki Breed Magazine - Showsight

According to one source, Salukis have the highest incidence of extreme overbite (“parrot mouth”) of any breed, but it’s still rare. Black hair follicular dysplasia is seen, but rarely. Average lifespan is 12 or 13 years; many live to their mid-teens. In Competition Salukis aren’t hop-to-it obedience dogs, but they’ll be the first in the class to learn the stay. Th e key to success in the obedience ring is to keep it challeng- ing, keep it fast, keep it fun—and don’t practice! Six Salukis have earned the UD title; none has come close to an OTCH! Nor has any Saluki earned a MACH, although several presently compete in Excellent. Th ey’re graceful jumpers, rarely knocking a bar, but tend to get the zoomies. Th eir stride makes tight courses di ffi cult at speed and the contact zones hard to hit as they’re much shorter than a single stride. Th ey enjoy perching atop the A-frame—forever... Most Salukis, including the four Westminster group-winning Salukis (Marjan, Cancer, Fantasia and Treasure) are owner-handled. It’s an easy breed to for beginners to show. You have to run, but you need not bait or heavily groom. Neaten the underline, remove any fuzzy coat, bathe, brush the feathering (keep it untrimmed, even on the feet) and you’re done. Some years ago, the top Junior in the country showed a Saluki. She said she chose the breed because it could be shown

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