Dogue de Bordeaux Breed Magazine - Showsight

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nose (The nose is slightly set back from the front of the muzzle.). Its perimeter is almost two thirds of that of the head. Its length varies between one third and one quarter of the total length of the head, measured from the nose to the occipital crest. The ideal length of the muzzle is between these two extremes. Nose - Broad, with well opened nostrils. Self-colored according to the color of the mask. Slightly upturned permissible. Upper lip - Thick, moderately pendulous yet retractile. When viewed in profile it shows a rounded lower line and covers the lower jaw on the sides. When viewed from the front, the edge of the upper lip is in contact with the lower lip, and drops on either side thus forming an inverse, wide V. Jaws - Very powerful, and broad. Undershot so that there is no contact between the upper and lower incisors. The lower jaw curves upwards. The chin is very pronounced and should neither overlap the upper lip exaggeratedly nor be covered by it. Disqualification - Mouth not undershot; wry jaw. Bite - Undershot. Fault - Incisors constantly visible when the mouth is closed or very small incisors unevenly set. Severe Fault - Canines or tongue constantly visible when the mouth is closed. Teeth - Strong, particularly the canines. Lower, canines set wide apart and slightly curved. Incisors well aligned especially in the lower jaw where they form a straight line. Fault - Disproportioned head (too small or exaggeratedly voluminous). Severe Fault - Long narrow head with insufficiently pronounced stop, with a muzzle measuring more than a third of the total length of the head (lack of type in head). Neck, Topline and Body : Neck - Very strong and muscular, almost cylindrical. The skin is supple, ample and loose. The average circumference almost equals that of the head. There is a noticeable, slightly convex, furrow at the junction of the head and neck. The well-defined dewlap starts at the level of the throat forming folds down to the chest, without hanging exaggeratedly. The neck is very broad at its base, merging smoothly with the shoulders. Topline - The topline should be as level as possible with a slight dip behind the well-marked withers. The back is solid and broad when viewed from above. The loin is broad, rather short and solid. Fault - Arched back (convex). Chest - Powerful, long, deep, broad, and let down lower than the elbows. The forechest is broad and powerful with a lower line that is convex towards the bottom. The ribcage is deep and well sprung, but not barrel shaped. The circumference of the chest should be between 10 and 14 inches greater than the height at the withers. Underline - Curved, from the deep brisket to the firm abdomen. Slight to moderate tuck-up. Should be neither pendulous nor extreme. Croup - Moderately sloping down to the root of the tail. Tail - Very thick at the base. The tip preferably reaches the hock but not below. Carried low, it is neither broken nor kinked but supple. Hanging when the dog is at rest; generally carried level with the back or slightly above the level of the back when the dog is in action, without curving over the back or being curled. Fault - Fused vertebrae but not kinked. Disqualification - An atrophied tail or a tail that is knotted and laterally deviated or twisted. Forequarters - Strong bone structure, legs very muscular. Shoulders - Powerful, prominent muscles. Slant of shoulder - blade is medium (about 45 degrees to the horizontal), with the angle of the scapular-humeral articulation being a little more than 90 degrees. Upper Arms - Very muscular. Elbows - In line with the body. Should be neither too close to the chest nor turned out. Forearms - When viewed from the front, straight or inclining slightly inwards, especially in dogs with a very broad chest. When viewed in profile, vertical. Pasterns - Powerful. Slightly sloping when viewed in profile. When viewed from the front, may bend slightly outwards, thus compensating for the slight inclination of the forearm inwards. Feet - Strong. Toes should be

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