Standard Schnauzer Breed Magazine - Showsight

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! tandard Schnauzers were developed in Germany over 400 years ago as all-purpose farm and guard dogs. Th e rough-and-tumble breed of those days, portrayed at lower right in Rembrandt’s 1642 paint- ing 1 , bears little resemblance to modern groomed dogs. Still rough-coated, with the breed’s hallmark bristling eyebrows and whiskers, today’s Standard Schnauzer approaches all endeavors with enthusiasm. Standard Schnauzers enjoy good health with few genetic problems, living well into their teens. Oldest of three separate Schnauzer breeds, Standard Schnauzers (NOT terriers!) are robust, square, medi- um-sized dogs with solid bone, power- ful driving rears, deep chests, good rib spring, compact feet, well-arched necks, and reaching, working-dog fronts. Th eir soft undercoat is topped with a harsh, wiry, weather-resistant outer coat in either pepper-and-salt with white whiskers and furnishings or solid black. In the United States, tails are docked, but ears can be either cropped or uncropped. Because they rarely shed and have little skin dander, even people with allergies and asthma fi nd them easy housemates. Successful in well-known, long-estab- lished conformation, obedience, rally, agility, fl yball, and nose-work competi- tions, Standard Schnauzers are “dogs with a human brain.” Th eir great intelligence, coupled with their mischievous sense of humor, makes training them an adven- ture—easy because they quickly learn, remember, and comprehend the theory of tasks given them, but di ffi cult because repetition bores them—“Okay, we did that. Now let’s fi nd another challenge.” Th ey prefer mind-intense jobs, and woe betide the person who doesn’t understand

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