Portuguese Podengo Pequeno Breed Magazine - Showsight

“When confronted with two specimens, one approaching square and the other longer than the required 20% with all other parameters equal, you should Choose the longer if the additional length isn’t so extreme as to hamPer the ProPer funCtioning of the dog.”

no dewlap. It blends smoothly into a level topline, withers only slightly visible. The back is straight and long, the loin is level, broad and well muscled. The croup is level to slightly sloping and of medium width. Slightly sprung ribcage, moderate fore chest. Underline- the belly is lean with slight tuck up. Tail- medium high set, medium length, strong, thick and tapered with a feathered underside. At rest it falls curved and reach- es the hock, on the move it is carried either horizontal with slight curve or vertical in the shape of a sickle. Forequarters Moderate shoulder angulation. Mod- erate layback of shoulder blade (scapu- la) and moderate return of upper arm (humerus). Elbows tucked in. Forearm is straight, long and muscular. Pastern is short, strong and slightly sloping. Feet are oval shaped (think Teaspoon), strong, with slightly arched toes, tough pads, and strong nails. Hindquarters Moderate angulation. Well muscled and lean. Upper thigh is long, of medium width, muscular. Second thigh is long,

Body length is measured from point of shoul- der to the pin bone. Therefore a 10-inch high dog should be 12 inches long. It is essential to have the required proportions in order for the Podengo Pequeno to function properly while hunting over the irregular and rocky terrain. Without that added length the dog cannot carry the speed and make the rapid changes in direction necessary to bring down the elusive rabbit. The Podengo Pequeno body proportions were developed over time through result-based breeding to create the efficient hunter that we know today. Correct proportions are necessary for correct Podengo Pequeno type! When confronted with two specimens, one approaching square and the other lon- ger than the required 20% with all other parameters equal, you should choose the longer if the additional length isn’t so extreme as to hamper the proper function- ing of the dog. Body height is 8 to 12inches. Look for the most balanced dog with correct Podengo Pequeno type within this range. Occasionally you will find a dog of larger size. The judge must then weigh the need for correct type within the size range. It is better to have a dog slightly over sized that is balanced than one that is within

the size range that doesn’t possess the cor- rect proportions and is therefore lacking in correct Podengo Pequeno type. Common sense needs to be employed in not award- ing an excessively oversized dog. Head Wedge shaped when viewed from the side and from above, a four-sided pyramid, broader through the back-skull narrowing towards the nose. The muzzle is wide at its attachment to the skull narrowing to the nostrils, shorter than the back-skull and slightly down-faced. Curved appearance when viewed from above. Prominent brow bones. Small almond shaped eyes set obliquely, honey to dark brown in color, and broad based triangular shaped ears, thin, taller than their width, set obliquely at level of the eye. The skull is relatively flat between the ears. Strong under-jaw with clean musculature, not cheeky. Nose, black or darker colored than the coat, prominent at the tip. Lips are close fitting, thin and pigmented. Scissor bite with normal occlusion of both jaws. Neck, Topline, Body The neck is moderately long, strong and muscular neck with a slight arch and

“the baCk is straight and long, the loin is level, broad and well musCled. the CrouP is level to slightly sloPing and of medium width.”

232 • S how S ight M agazine , O ctober 2013

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