Rottweiler Breed Magazine - Showsight

The Importance of Examining THE ROTTWEILER’S Bite & Dentition

BY LEW OLSON Judges Education Chair American Rottweiler Club, Most of these disqualifications are easy to determine during an exam in the show ring, but one of these takes a bit more time, skill, and knowledge of canine dentition and how to count teeth. I have seen a few judges just do a quick and cursory look at the bite and mouth, and move on to the rest of the dog. That will not determine if the dog has two or more missing teeth. Overshot and undershot bites are also a DQ. Serious faults include a level bite and one missing tooth. I am hoping to be able to describe how to examine the Rottweiler’s mouth, to do it efficiently, and to know where missing teeth are most often found. T he Disqualifications listed in the AKC Rottweiler Breed Standard include: • Entropion, ectropion. • Overshot, undershot (when incisors do not touch or mesh); wry mouth; two or more missing teeth. • Unilateral cryptorchid or cryptorchid males • Long coat. • Any base color other than black; absence of all markings. • A dog that in the opinion of the judge attacks any person in the ring.

Rottweiler Dentition Adults should have 42 teeth, but remember when looking at puppies, they only have 26: 6 incisors, 2 canines, and 6 premolars (P2, P3, P4) on both top and bottom. They do not have a P1, nor do they have any molars. Puppy teeth should all be in by 8 weeks, and permanent, adult teeth should all be present by 8 months. Below are diagrams of both a puppy’s and a dog’s dentition, as well as instructions for counting teeth in groups.












Counting Teeth in Groups Look for 6 incisors and 2 canines, both upper and lower. This can easily be done when checking the occlusion (bite). Look for 4 premolars and 3 molars on each lower side, and 4 premolars and 2 molars on each upper side.


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