Rottweiler Breed Magazine - Showsight


A KC Tracking is a non- competitive sport wherein dogs follow human scent on a blind track that can be up to five hours old. Th e Rottweiler excels at tracking—being one of the top three dogs with advanced tracking-dog titles. Th ere are three lev- els of titles that may be earned on a pass/fail basis including TD, TDX and VST. Each level has a prescribed length of track, number of turns and required personal articles of the track layer which must be found by the dog. Tracking is judged by two judges and involves a two-day event. It is one of the most land-intensive and labor-intensive events o ff ered by AKC. Tracking involves the training of an individual dog to fol- low a specified human scent from start to finish on a regulation track. A close personal bond is developed over months of training and tracking between dog and handler which must work as a team. “THERE ARE THREE LEVELS OF TITLES THAT MAY BE EARNED on a pass/fail basis including TD, TDX and VST.”

By Jeff Shaver

“Daisy” showing desired posture on a TDX (Tracking Dog Excellent) track.

“Jack" following human scent on a hard surface, VST (Variable Surface Track).

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