Tibetan Spaniel Breed Magazine - Showsight


By Linda C. Foiles TSCA Judges Education Coordinator


he Span- iel standard uses the word moderation in all points and that one word “moderation” should lurk in the back Tibetan

of your mind while you judge this “well kept secret” of the dog world. Th is very intelligent breed is devoted to family and friends but may be aloof with strangers. Th e breed may not look you in the eye when judging them and does not like to be swooped down upon. At fi rst glance, the Tibetan Spaniel or “Tibbie” as we a ff ectionately call them, should appear to be a small, active, well- balanced breed, free from coarseness; being only slightly longer than tall when measured from the point of shoulder to the root of tail. One needs to be mindful of this fact and train the hands to auto- matically go to those points for measure- ment. Th e Tibetan Spaniel outline should never fi t into a “square box” and the dog should be balanced without any exaggera- tions. ( Th e Tibetan Spaniel ; Miss Phyllis Mayhew, U.K.). Th e overall balance of this breed’s, about 10 inch package, is extremely important and the top-line is to be level. Moving the tail out of the way to check the top-line is a must, as tail hair can mask the top-line. Th e head is the hallmark of the breed however; do not confuse this as a “head” breed alone. Th e entire package is neces- sary to ful fi ll the balanced, moderate dog or bitch. Th e head should appear small in proportion to the body, free from coarse- ness or wrinkle. Th e coloring of the hair on the head and muzzle can sometimes fool the eye into thinking there is a wrin- kle on the muzzle when there is none. Because of this fact, you must feel for the wrinkle and not rely on your eye for this assessment if the word wrinkle pops into your thoughts. Th e skull is broadest

First Tibetan Spaniel Best in Show.

First Tibetan Spaniel National Specialty Winner.

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