Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight

Ch. King’s Mtn. Mouse Trap - BOS Montgomery 2004, dam of the top winning Dandie bitch of all time, Ch. King’s Mtn. Minnie Mouse

are paramount. “Slight” and “very slight” are the adjectives that describe the curves. Exaggeration of these curves results in a caricature and will a ff ect the dog’s flexibil- ity and gait. If the body is too short the curves even if in the right places will be accentuated, highly undesirable. Th e lon- ger the body the more gentle the curves. Th e curves are seldom observed when stacked, sometimes present when the dog self-stacks on the ground, and are best observed when the dog is on the move. In the breed we say “no outline, no Dan- die.” Th ose who judge the curvy sight- hound breeds such as Borzoi, Greyhound and Whippets, will easily understand this topline, the symmetry of it, the only real di ff erence is how the Dandie finishes over the croup, that drop is not as pronounced. Of course the Dandie’s distant cousin, the Bedlington Terrier is a curvy breed as well but not of the short-legged class. Th e tail set is important; it is set on a very slightly sloping croup. Th e tail is scimitar shaped and carried in an upward curve, never over the back. Th e tail pro- vides the proper finish to the correct sil- houette and for me a highly carried tail is like a waving flag, it disturbs my eye. I like to see the tail carried at 2 o’clock. Th e head appears large for the size of the dog. Th e skull is basically the same distance

Ch. King’s Mtn. Mouse Trap on the move, showing good reach in front, holding her topline on the move with good drive behind.

from stop to occiput as it is from ear to ear. In the breed we say it should “fill your hand.” Which brings up another point, you must put your hand on the skull, without regard to crushing the topknot. One good shake by the dog and the correct topknot is back up and standing. Th e muzzle is strongly made, good fill at the cheek, and is in a proportion of 3 parts muzzle to 5 parts skull. For those who judge the Cardigan and Pembroke these are the same proportions. Th e eyes are large, round, dark hazel, face directly forward and set wide apart.

Th e ears are set o ff the side of the skull and hang framing the face. A scissors bite with large even teeth is desired. Th e expression is wise, not cute. Th e Dandie front assembly is exactly as written in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Standard. A well laid back shoulder with an upper arm to match, placing the forelegs directly under the withers. Th e forelegs wrap around the chest and are almost straight, the pasterns slope slightly and a very slight turn- out is permissible. Feet are tight with thick pads, meant for relentless digging.

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