Löwchen Breed Magazine - Showsight


T he first thing to real- ize about the Löwchen during the evaluation process is that it is a “sil- houette” breed. What’s meant by that is that the standard clearly defines and puts empha- sis on body and height proportions, and head and tail carriage. In proper balance, the Löwchen should be slightly o ff square as the standard calls for an 11 to 10 body length (from the prosternum to the point of buttocks) to height (at the withers) pro- portion. In doing the math on a 12" dog at the withers that would allow for just 1.2" longer in body (not back) than one is tall. Th e head is to be carried high in both stat- ure and movement and the tail is to take the shape of the handle on a tea cup. A tail too tight (gay) over the back or too loose o ff the back is not only incor- rect, but throws the “essence of the breed” o ff ever so slightly, giving a more generic look to the dog. I have always said that you should be able to paint any dog black and by defining certain characteristics you should be able to tell what breed it is. Th ink about that as you judge the four setter breeds. A Löwchen in lateral move- ment should maintain the same look as one in stature, not dropping low to the ground in order to remain proportionate and balanced, with the head held high and the tail carried in the same fashion.

Example of lovely head and breed type.

“A LÖWCHEN IN LATERAL MOVEMENT SHOULD MAINTAIN THE SAME LOOK AS ONE IN STATURE, not dropping low to the ground in order to remain proportionate and balanced, with the head held high and the tail carried in the same fashion.”

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