Kishu Ken Breed Magazine - Showsight



CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Forehead broad. Stop: Rather abrupt, with a slight furrow.

FACIAL REGION: Nose: Black. Slight lack of pigmentation in white dogs is accepted . Nasal bridge straight. Muzzle: Fairly thick, and wedge-shaped. Lips: Tight. Jaws/Teeth: Strong, with a scissor bite. Cheeks: Relatively well developed.

EYES : Nearly triangular, not too small, and dark brown in colour. The outer corners of the eyes are slightly upturned.

EARS : Small, triangular, slightly inclining forward and firmly pricked.

NECK : Thick and muscular.

BODY : Withers: High.

Back: Straight and strong. Loin: Broad and muscular.

Chest: Deep, ribs moderately sprung. Underline and belly: Slightly tucked up.

TAIL : Set on high, thick, carried vigorously curled or curved like a sickle over the back, the tip nearly reaching to the hocks when let down.


FOREQUARTERS: Shoulders: Moderately sloping with well developed muscles. Upper arm: Forming a moderate angle with shoulder blade.

FCI-St. N° 318 / 10.02.2017

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