Eurasier Breed Magazine - Showsight


Chest: Reaching to the elbows with oval shaped ribcage. Forechest well developed without being pronounced. Sternum long, reaching far back. Underline and belly: Slight tuck up; flanks slightly drawn in. TAIL : Set on high, round and firm, of good thickness, tapering towards the tip; reaching the hocks, covered with bushy hair; carried lying forward over back or bent slightly sideways or rolled up.


FOREQUARTERS: General appearance : Seen from front, positioned straight and parallel; seen from the side, well angulated; upper arm and forearm of almost equal length. Shoulders: Well-muscled. Lying slightly slanted. Upper arm: Medium length, well-muscled. Elbows: Close to chest. Forearm: Medium length, well-muscled. Pastern: Medium length, strong , quite straight seen from front, seen from side, inclined slightly forward. Forefeet: Oval; tight, moderately arched toes; strong nails with dark pigmented toenails; firm, well cushioned, black pigmented pads; thick hair between pads. HINDQUARTERS: General appearance: Seen from behind, positioned straight and parallel, seen from the side well angulated. Upper and lower thighs are of almost equal length. Pelvis: Slightly slanting. Upper thigh: Medium length with strong muscle. Stifle: Solid, angle not too open. Lower thigh: Medium length, well-muscled. Hock joint: Not set too low, turning neither in nor out, stable, not pushing forward.

FCI-St. N° 291/ 17.02.2020

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