Volpino Italiano Breed Magazine - Showsight


EYES : Well opened and of a normal size, expression denoting vigilance and vivaciousness. Roundish but eyeball not prominent, set in sub-frontal position: eyelids close-fitting to the eyeball. Colour of the iris is dark brown; the rims of the lids are black. EARS : Triangular shape, pricked, with a rigid cartilage and the inner surface of the lobe showing forward. High set and close together. The length of the ears measures to about half the length of the head.

NECK : Length is about equal to that of the head. Neck always carried upright. Well muscled. Skin closely fitting.

BODY : Square built, its length measured from the point of the shoulder to that of the buttock is equal to the height at the withers. Topline: Dorsal line straight, slightly convex over the loins. Withers: Slightly raised from dorsal line, harmoniously set into neck.

Back: Straight, strong musculature, longer than loin. Loin: Short, broad, well muscled and slightly arched.

Croup: Extends the line of the loin and is longer than broad. Obliqueness from the hip to base of the tail is of 10° below the horizontal. Well muscled. Chest: Descending to level of elbows; ribs well sprung. Sternal region is long but breastbone not to protrude point of shoulder. Underline and belly: From sternum to belly rising only slightly. The hollow of the flanks is slightly accentuated. TAIL : Set in the prolongation of the croup, high set and carried permanently curled over the back and reaching as near to the neck as possible. Its length is a little less than half the height at the withers. Tail is strong at the base and narrowing towards the tip; it is covered with abundant long coat.


FOREQUARTERS: General appearance: Legs set perfectly vertical to each other and parallel in relation to the median plane of the body. Height at the elbows is slightly more than half the height at the withers.

FCI-St. N° 195 / 17.12.2015

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