Volpino Italiano Breed Magazine - Showsight


Shoulder: The length of the shoulder blade is equal to 1/4 of the height at the withers and its obliqueness below the horizontal is of 60°. Well-developed muscles. The scapulo-humeral angle is 125°. Upper arm: Longer than the shoulder blade and its obliqueness below the horizontal is of 65°. Elbow: Parallel to the median plane of the body. The humero-radial angle is 155°. Forearm: Longer than the upper arm, fine but strong bone, dry musculature. Carpus (Wrist): Strong, almost as broad as the forearm. Metacarpus (Pastern): Almost as wide as the forearm: slightly sloping. Forefeet: Oval shaped with closely-knit and arched toes. Strong pads with black pigmentation, nails preferably black. HINDQUARTERS: General appearance: Seen from behind, hind legs must follow a perfectly vertical line from the point of the buttock to the ground. They are parallel to each other. Thigh: The length is equal to 1/3 of the height at the withers. Broad with well-developed muscles. Obliqueness of 60° below the horizontal; coxo-femoral angle of 90°. Stifle (Knee): Parallel to the median plane of the body; femoro-tibia angle of 115° – 120°. Lower thigh: Length is a little less than that of the thigh. Of a light, but strong bone structure and its obliqueness below the horizontal is of 55° – 60°. Well muscled. Hock joint: Strong but not broad. The tibio-tarsal angle is 145° – 150°. Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Vertical and perfectly straight seen as much in profile as from behind. Sufficiently broad. Length from point of hock to ground slightly more than 25% of the height at the withers. Hind feet: Oval shaped with closely-knit and arched toes. Strong pads with black pigmentation, nails preferably black. GAIT / MOVEMENT : Normal trot, must not be hopping. Characteristic gallop is that of a stayer rather than a sprinter. Gait with normal steps, not striding out.

FCI-St. N° 195 / 17.12.2015

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