Belgian Laekenois Breed Magazine - Showsight

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When in action he raises it and gives it a slight curve, which is strongest towards the tip, without forming a hook. Cropped or stump tail are disqualifications. Forequarters: Shoulders - are long and oblique, laid flat against the body, forming a sharp angle (approximately 90 degrees) with the upper arm. Legs - are straight, strong and parallel to each other with bone oval rather than round. Development (length and substance) should be well proportioned to the size of the dog. Pasterns - are short, strong and very slightly sloped. Feet - are round (cat footed). Toes - curved close together, well padded. Nails - strong and black, except that they may be white to match white toe tips. Dewclaws - are permissible. Hindquarters: Legs - are in length and substance well proportioned to the size of the dog with the bone oval rather than round. Legs are parallel to each other. Thighs - are broad and heavily muscled. The upper and lower thigh bones approximately parallel the shoulder blade and upper arm respectively, forming a relatively sharp angle at stifle joint. The angle at the hock is relatively sharp, although the Belgian Laekenois does not have extreme angulation. Metatarsus - is medium length, strong and slightly sloped. Feet - are slightly elongated. Toes - curved close together, well padded. Nails - strong and black, except that they may be white to match white toe tips. Dewclaws - if any, should be removed. Coat: The coat must have a texture which is rough and coarse giving a disorderly, tousled look. The coat should be severely penalized if silky or soft or lacking a double coat. The length of the hair should be approximately 2½ inches over the body. A beard must be present on the muzzle and hair on the head should not be in excess so as to hide the eyes nor the lines of the head and skull and make the head appear square or heavy. The tail should not form a plume. Color: All shades of red or fawn to grayish tones are acceptable with traces of black appearing principally on the muzzle and tail. The degree of blackening varies considerably from dog to dog with all variations being equally acceptable. A small to moderate white patch is permitted on the chest and the tips of the toes may be white. White or gray frosting on the chin and muzzle is normal and acceptable. Solid white markings elsewhere than on tips of toes, chest, or frosting on muzzle is a disqualification. Gait: Motion should be smooth, free and easy, seemingly never tiring, exhibiting facility of movement rather than hard driving action. The Belgian Laekenois tends to single track at a fast gait; the legs, both front and rear, converging toward the center line of gravity of the dog. The backline should remain firm and level, parallel to the center of motion, with no crabbing. The dog shows a marked tendency to move in a circle or curve rather than a straight line. Temperament: The Belgian Laekenois should reflect the qualities of intelligence, courage, alertness and devotion to master. Protectiveness of the person and property of his master is added to his inherent aptitude as a guardian of flocks and fields. He should be watchful, attentive and always in motion when not under command. He should be observant and vigilant with strangers, but not apprehensive in his relationship with humans. He should not show fear or shyness nor viciousness by unwarranted or unprovoked attack. With those he knows well, he is most affectionate and friendly, zealous of their attention, and very possessive. Extreme shyness is not desirable in the Belgian Laekenois and should be severely penalized. Viciousness is a disqualification.

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