Norrbottenspets Breed Magazine - Showsight

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curve, loosely curled with the tip of tail touching the side of upper thigh when in motion. When stretched, the length of the tail should not reach below the hock. A stumpy tail or a docked tail is a disqualification. Forequarters: The forequarters are neither narrow nor broad, with legs straight and parallel, and without extremes in angulation. Shoulder Blades - The shoulder blades are long, broad and muscular, forming well defined and developed withers. The shoulder blades are close fitting to the chest and set obliquely, with great freedom of movement. Upper Arm - The upper arm is the same length as the shoulder blade and forms a right angle with the shoulder blade. The upper arm is strong and well developed, lying close to the chest but with great freedom of movement. The upper arm abducts, extends laterally away from the body, forming up to a 90 degree angle with the midline of the chest. Elbow - The elbow turns neither in nor out. Forearm - The forearm is straight with strong bones and lean but flexible muscles. Pasterns - The pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. Dewclaws - Foreleg dewclaws are present and functional. Feet - The feet are small and strong, pointing straight forward. The toes are well arched and tightly knit with well-developed and hard pads. Hindquarters: The hindquarters are without extremes in angulation and mirror the angulation of the forequarters. The hindquarters stand parallel when viewed from behind. Upper thigh - The upper thigh is proportionately long with strong muscles and forms a right angle with the pelvis. Stifle - The stifle is strong. Second thigh -The second thigh is well muscled and forms a marked angle with the upper thigh. Hock - The hock joint is strong. Pasterns - The rear pasterns are rather long, dry, and elastic. Dewclaws - Rear dewclaws are absent. Feet - Feet are as described above. Coat: The Norrbottenspets is double coated. Topcoat - The topcoat is hard, short, and straight, rather close lying with different lengths: shortest on the nose bridge, the top of skull, the ears and the front of the legs; longest on the neck, the backside of the thighs and the underside of tail. An erect coat is a serious fault. Undercoat - The undercoat is fine and dense. Grooming - The Norrbottenspets is shown naturally with no trimming or fluffing of the coat. A dog exhibiting an erect coat instead of a rather close lying coat, whether the erect coat has been produced by grooming or by a naturally occurring coat fault is to be penalized as to be effectively eliminated from competition. Color: The Norrbottenspets has a base color of pure white overlaid with a colored mask covering the sides of the head and the ears and with well-defined and well-distributed body patches. The ideal overlay color is any nuance of red or yellow. Patches on the body are fairly big. Gait: The gait of the Norrbottenspets is smooth and free with strong drive, covering lots of ground. The topline remains firm in motion and the hind legs travel parallel. Individuals with great lateral freedom of movement in the forequarters typical of the breed can exhibit looseness in the foreleg movement that should not be penalized. Temperament : Norrbottenspets are calm, keen, and attentive with a kind disposition; self- confident, they carry their heads high with a fearless attitude. Dogs that vocalize in the ring due to excitement should not be penalized. Norrbottenspets are never nervous, shy, or aggressive. Disqualification: A stumpy or docked tail.

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