Showsight - June 2018


7. And, for a bit of humor: What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever experienced at a dog show? JE: The funniest things that happen at shows are after the show. But I did have a dog that belonged to a co-owner that taught him all sorts of tricks. So when I was showing him, as soon as I got in the ring with any bait at all, he would go into his repertoire. You could not ever look at him. It was funny and he did win, but probably because you could not ignore him. It was embarrassing, as I could not even look at him so he was doing all this with my back to him—funny little dog. MKipp: My favorite dog show story in fact involves the Norwich breed. It was quite a few years ago in another part of the country. When the judging schedule came, it showed an entry of 26 Norwich. I thought it a misprint until the time for judging arrived, and in they started to come. The first puppy had never seen a bath or a comb and I thought it had to get better. The next class came in, dragging on their bellies and not even combed. It didn’t get better until the open dog class. Up to this point I was wondering how I would explain to these exhibitors that I was not going to award Winners Dog. I have to admit the winning dog was with a handler, beautifully pre- sented, walking happily on his lead. I asked that handler if she had brought her Thank You notes since she should send one to each of the other exhibitors who made that 5-point major possible. And I remember that day like it was yesterday—it is one of my favorite stories. (Some of the others probably shouldn’t be seen in print.) MKlinger: I have had a lot of fun at dog shows and although maybe one thing does not stand out—the many friends whom I have made has been life changing. When we had all the dogs “bedded down” at the show sites, the han- dlers would have a volleyball game or maybe even attend a local “revival.” We all had fun winners and losers! MM: For funny, I will tell one on myself. I was showing a class Afghan Hound dog at Rock Creek Kennel Club on a dewy October morning. He turned the corner, I did not. I slid on my butt into the next ring, stopping under a New- foundland that Tommy Glassford was showing. Without batting an eye, he spread his arms and pronounced me, “Safe!” I got up, retrieved my dog that had stopped to watch the fun, and continued on. I don’t even remember whether we won or lost. RP: There have been lots of funny things happen and when I am judging or showing, I try to have a good time, but one memory constantly makes me smile thinking about it. I was judging in Atlantic City, New Jersey and this gentle- man in a kilt was showing a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. I went up to him and said, “Good morning” and then start- ed to go over the dog. As I was getting close to the rear end, he said, “Oh excuse me” I stopped and exclaimed, “Yes?” He said, “Sorry, he just farted.” Not quite knowing what to do, I decided to stand back and let the air clear, so to speak, and in doing so, the moment got to me and I started to laugh hysterically! Lydia Coleman Hutchinson was doing Toys in the next ring, and asked, “What is so funny?” I told her and she could see the funny side of it too. Whilst judging, people say the funniest things.

dogs to discover what grooming may have disguised such as: fine bone, soft toplines, crooked fronts and close moving or cow-hocked rears. The desired hard coat “just might” be enhanced for texture and color! RP: No, they were/are a quality breed then and they still are. I feel the Norwich is in good shape. 5. What do you think new judges misunderstand about the breed? JE: I think judges should ask more questions and be better educated about type, movement and coat. MKipp: I think that sometimes as a “Terrier person” through and through, I find judges coming into the Terrier group do not appreciate the time and effort it takes to properly prepare our coats and pay little attention to a correct trim. I think the Norwich breed is lucky in that the greater majority of the exhibits seen in the ring today are correctly presented. MKlinger: Pay attention to balance and type, but of course we do not always have a lot of choices. BM: Judges must understand that all allowed colors of Norwich are equal under the standard. A deep, rich red is not any more correct under the Standard than a paler wheaten. A dark black saddle will naturally lighten as the dog matures, and dark black must not be favored over a grizzled coat. Judges should be aware that the standard calls for a square 12-pound dog. A dog that is the correct, standard size should not be faulted in a class of oversized 18-pound dogs. Yet large or small, all must have good substance and should not appear Toy-like. Head propor- tions are essential to correct type. As ratters, Terrier teeth are important. Norwich muzzles must be wide enough to house their very large teeth. Missing teeth and mal-occlusion are on-going concerns for breeders. RP: I think new judges can get caught up with the cuteness and they are cute so it is easy, but we have to remem- ber the job for which they were bred. Some are getting snipey and have very short fore faces, which takes away from a working Terrier. With these weak features, good teeth are compromised. 6. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the breed? MKlinger: I love this breed and love the tenacity this breed shows, but still staying lovable. It is a fun breed that has a wide variety of attributes. BM: A Norwich in good health and proper condition should be able to run in the fields all day. Three trips around the show ring should not tire the healthy Norwich. Also, the short-legged Norwich is usually not happy gaiting in tall, wet grass. Let’s hope that show chairmen and superinten- dents try to make the ring environment a pleasant place to show off. An indoor ring that is rich with dropped bait or with litter (that is imagined food), is a hard place to hold the attention of a dog whose nose and eyes are so very close to the ground. RP: Judges should be careful to keep this breed out of the full sun. They can get very excited and can get into trouble getting overheated.

290 • S how S ight M agazine , J une 2018

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