Australian Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight

Size Shoulder height about 10 inches. Average weight 12 to 14 pounds STANDARD FOR THE AUSTRALIAN TERRIER,1970 General Appearance The Australian Terrier is a small, sturdy, rough-coated terrier of spirited action and self-assured manner. Head Long, flat-skulled and full between the eyes, with the stop moderate. The muzzle is no longer than the distance from the eyes to the occiput. Jaws long and powerful, teeth of good size meet- ing in a scissors bite, although a level bite is acceptable. Nose is black. Ears set high on the skull and well apart. They are small and pricked, the leather either pointed or slightly rounded and free from long hairs. Eyes small, dark and keen in expression; not promi- nent. Light-colored and protruding eyes are faulty. Neck Inclined to be long and tapering into sloping shoulders; well furnished with hair which forms a protective ruff. Body Low-set and slightly longer from the withers to the root of the tail than from the withers to the ground. Chest medium wide and deep with ribs well spring but not round. Topline level. Tail set on high and carried erect but not too gay; docked leaving two fifths. Legs and Feet-Forelegs straight and slightly feathered to the carpus or so called knee; they are set well under the body with elbows close and pasterns strong. Hindquarters strong and well muscled but not heavy; legs moderately angulat- ed at stifles and hocks, with hocks well let down. Bonds medium in size. Feet are small, clean and catlike, the toes arched and compact, nicely padded and free from long hair. Nails are strong and black. Coat Outer coat harsh and straight, and about two and one half inches all over the body. Under coat short and soft. The topknot, which covers only the top of the skull, is of finer texture and lighter color than the body coat. Color May be blue-black or silver-black, with rich tan markings on head and legs, sandy color or clear red. The blue- black is bluish at the roots and dark at

the tips. In the silver-blacks each hair carries black and silver alternating with black at the tips. The tan is rich and deep, the richer the better. In the Sandies, any suggestion of smuttiness is undesirable. Gait Straight and true; sprightly, indicat- ing spirit and assurance. Temperament That of a hard-bitten terrier, with the aggressiveness of the natural ratter and hedge hunter, but as a companion friendly, affectionate and biddable. Size Shoulder height, about 10 inches. Average weight 12 to 14 pounds. STANDARD FOR THE AUSTRALIAN TERRIER, 1988 General Appearance A small, sturdy, medium-boned working Terrier, rather long in propor- tion to height with pricked ears and docked tail. Blue and tan, solid sandy or solid red in color, with harsh-textured outer coat, a distinctive ruff and apron and a soft, silky top-knot. As befits their heritage as versatile-workers, Austra- lian Terriers are sound and free mov- ing with good reach and drive. Their expression keen and intelligent; their manner spirited and self-assured. The following description is that of the ideal Australian Terrier. Any deviation from this description must be penalized to the extent of the deviation. Size Height 10-11 inches at the with- ers. Deviation in either direction is to be discouraged. Proportion The body is long in proportion to the height of the dog. The length of back from withers to the front of the tail is approximately 1 ½ inches longer than from the withers to the ground. Substance Good working condition, medi- um bone, correct body proportions, symmetry and balance determine prop- er weight. Head The head is long and strong. The length of the muzzle is equal to the length of the skull. Expression Keen and intelligent. Eyes-Small, dark brown to black (the darker the bet- ter), keen in expression, set well apart.

of veterinarian. Legs and Feet-Forelegs straight and slightly feathered to the carpus or so-called knee; they are set well under the body with elbows close and pasterns strong. Hindquarters strong and well muscled but not heavy; legs moderately angulated at stifles and hocks, with hocks well let down. Bone medium in size. Feet are small, clean and catlike, the toes arched and com- pact, nicely padded and free from long hair. Nails are strong and black. Coat Outer coat harsh and straight, and about two and one half inches all over the body. Under coat short and soft. The topknot, which covers only the top of the skull, is of finer texture and lighter color than the body coat. Color May be blue-black or silver-black, with the rich tan markings on head and legs. The blue-black is bluish at the roots and dark at the tips. In the silver- blacks each hair carries black and silver alternating with the black at the tips. The tan is rich and deep the richer the better. Also, sandy color and clear red are permissible but not as desirable, other things being equal, as the blue and tan. In the sandies, any suggestion of shading or smuttiness is undesirable. Gait Straight and true, sprightly, indicat- ing spirit and assurance. Temperament That of a hard-bitten Terrier, with the aggressiveness of a natural ratter and hedge hunter, but as a companion, friendly, affectionate, and biddable. “AUSTRALIAN TERRIERS ARE SOUND AND FREE MOVING WITH GOOD REACH AND DRIVE.”


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