Showsight - March 2022

What Makes a Cesky Terrier A CESKY TERRIER?


T hose of us who are privileged to understand and know the Cesky Terrier recognize it by three distinguished assets. One, it is a well-muscled, short-legged hunting dog that originated in the Czech Republic. Two, it is a hunting machine that seeks prey both above and below ground in the most primitive of environments and, most importantly, does so gladly alongside its brothers and sisters. It’s pack- friendly; Three, and foremost, it is the ideal example of the proverbial dic- tum that form follows function. We can perhaps draw an analogy between a professional athlete and the Cesky. Anatomically, there are ideal specifications for both. Being well-mus- cled is, of course, necessary for the task at hand, as is stamina for longevity at the task. A low center of gravity (being short-legged) makes it easier for the Cesky to move in all directions in an instant and remain upright while doing so; even if the task is dedicated to making sure it does not stand erect. All of the following elements contribute to the Cesky’s success at its task as a professional hunter. The hallmark of the breed is its unique topline; it is essential to breed type. The slight rise of the topline begins at the last thoracic rib and runs to the highest point on the hip bone, with a slight, gradual drop to the root of the tail following the diagonal of the sloping croup. This topline should nev- er be flat or tabletop as in the Scottish Terrier nor as deeply curved as a Dan- die Dinmont. The best way to evaluate this feature is to think of a smooth, rolling ocean wave and you will have the ideal silhouette of the Cesky. The Cesky Terrier also measures slightly longer from the withers to the root of the tail, making it a rectangular dog rather than a square one. In order to create a balance in the Cesky Terrier, the length of the topline from withers to root of the tail should be twice the length of its head and neck combined. Going back to the well-muscled descriptor, the neck, shoulders, and hindquarters are graciously muscled to facilitate the Cesky’s motion through a burrow where it searches for hare, badger, and other below ground-dwell- ing game. The same skeletal structure serves to endow the Cesky with speed above ground, and anyone watching a Cesky run an agility course under- stands this. Anatomically, the longer length from the point in the proster- num to the point of the rump is longer than the length of the distance from the withers to the ground. Proportionally and ideally, the Cesky needs to be 1 to 1-1/2 (sternum to rump).

The Ideal Cesky Terrier

Ceskys Hunting in a Pack

Cesky Topline


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