Czechoslovakian Vlcak Breed Magazine - Showsight


TRANSLATION : Mrs. C. Seidler. Official language (DE).

ORIGIN : The former Czechoslovakian Republic.

PATRONAGE : Slovakian Republic.


UTILIZATION : Working Dog.

FCI-CLASSIFICATION : Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs. Section 1 Sheepdogs. With working trial. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : In the year 1955 a biological experiment took place in the CSSR of that time, namely, the crossing of a German Shepherd Dog with a Carpathian wolf. The experiment established that the progeny of the mating of male dog to female wolf as well as that of male wolf to female dog, could be reared. The vast majority of the products of these matings possessed the genetic requirements for continuation of breeding. In the year 1965, after the ending of the experiment, a plan for the breeding of this new breed was worked out. This was to combine the usable qualities of the wolf with the favourable qualities of the dog. In the year 1982, the Ceskoslovenský Vlciak, through the general committee of the breeders’ associations of the CSSR of that time, was recognized as a national breed. GENERAL APPEARANCE : Firm type in constitution. Above average size with rectangular frame. In body shape, movement, coat texture, colour of coat and mask, similar to the wolf.

St-FCI n°332/03.09.1999

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