Collie Breed Magazine - Showsight

Collie Breed Magazine features information, expert articles, and stunning photos from AKC judges, breeders, and owners.


Let’s Talk Breed Education!

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Official Standard of the Collie Rough

General Character: The Collie is a lithe, strong, responsive, active dog, carrying no useless timber, standing naturally straight and firm. The deep, moderately wide chest shows strength, the sloping shoulders and well-bent hocks indicate speed and grace, and the face shows high intelligence. The Collie presents an impressive, proud picture of true balance, each part being in harmonious proportion to every other part and to the whole. Except for the technical description that is essential to this Standard and without which no Standard for the guidance of breeders and judges is adequate, it could be stated simply that no part of the Collie ever seems to be out of proportion to any other part. Timidity, frailness, sullenness, viciousness, lack of animation, cumbersome appearance and lack of over-all balance impair the general character. Head: The head properties are of great importance. When considered in proportion to the size of the dog the head is inclined to lightness and never appears massive. A heavy-headed dog lacks the necessary bright, alert, full-of-sense look that contributes so greatly to expression. Both in front and profile view the head bears a general resemblance to a well-blunted lean wedge, being smooth and clean in outline and nicely balanced in proportion. On the sides it tapers gradually and smoothly from the ears to the end of the black nose, without being flared out in backskull (cheeky) or pinched in muzzle (snipy). In profile view the top of the backskull and the top of the muzzle lie in two approximately parallel, straight planes of equal length, divided by a very slight but perceptible stop or break. A mid-point between the inside corners of the eyes (which is the center of a correctly placed stop) is the center of balance in length of head. The end of the smooth, well-rounded muzzle is blunt but not square. The underjaw is strong, clean-cut and the depth of skull from the brow to the under part of the jaw is not excessive. The teeth are of good size, meeting in a scissors bite . Overshot or undershot jaws are undesirable, the latter being more severely penalized. There is a very slight prominence of the eyebrows. The backskull is flat, without receding either laterally or backward and the occipital bone is not highly peaked. The proper width of backskull necessarily depends upon the combined length of skull and muzzle and the width of the backskull is less than its length. Thus the correct width varies with the individual and is dependent upon the extent to which it is supported by length of muzzle. Because of the importance of the head characteristics, prominent head faults are very severely penalized . Eyes: Because of the combination of the flat skull, the arched eyebrows, the slight stop and the rounded muzzle, the foreface must be chiseled to form a receptacle for the eyes and they are necessarily placed obliquely to give them the required forward outlook. Except for the blue merles, they are required to be matched in color. They are almond-shaped, of medium size and never properly appear to be large or prominent. The color is dark and the eye does not show a yellow ring or a sufficiently prominent haw to affect the dog's expression. The eyes have a clear, bright appearance, expressing intelligent inquisitiveness, particularly when the ears are drawn up and the dog is on the alert. In blue merles, dark brown eyes are preferable, but either or both eyes may be merle or china in color without specific penalty. A large, round, full eye seriously detracts from the desired sweet expression. Eye faults are heavily penalized . Ears: The ears are in proportion to the size of the head and, if they are carried properly and unquestionably break naturally, are seldom too small. Large ears usually cannot be lifted correctly off the head, and even if lifted, they will be out of proportion to the size of the head.

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When in repose the ears are folded lengthwise and thrown back into the frill. On the alert they are drawn well up on the backskull and are carried about three-quarters erect, with about one- fourth of the ear tipping or breaking forward. A dog with prick ears or low ears cannot show true expression and is penalized accordingly. Neck: The neck is firm, clean, muscular, sinewy and heavily frilled. It is fairly long, carried upright with a slight arch at the nape and imparts a proud, upstanding appearance showing off the frill. Body: The body is firm, hard and muscular, a trifle long in proportion to the height. The ribs are well-rounded behind the well-sloped shoulders and the chest is deep, extending to the elbows. The back is strong and level, supported by powerful hips and thighs and the croup is sloped to give a well-rounded finish. The loin is powerful and slightly arched. Noticeably fat dogs, or dogs in poor flesh, or with skin disease, or with no undercoat are out of condition and are moderately penalized accordingly . Legs : The forelegs are straight and muscular, with a fair amount of bone considering the size of the dog. A cumbersome appearance is undesirable. Both narrow and wide placement are penalized . The forearm is moderately fleshy and the pasterns are flexible but without weakness. The hind legs are less fleshy, muscular at the thighs, very sinewy and the hocks and stifles are well bent. A cowhocked dog or a dog with straight stifles is penalized. The comparatively small feet are approximately oval in shape. The soles are well padded and tough, and the toes are well arched and close together. When the Collie is not in motion the legs and feet are judged by allowing the dog to come to a natural stop in a standing position so that both the forelegs and the hind legs are placed well apart, with the feet extending straight forward. Excessive "posing" is undesirable. Gait: Gait is sound. When the dog is moved at a slow trot toward an observer its straight front legs track comparatively close together at the ground. The front legs are not out at the elbows, do not "crossover," nor does the dog move with a choppy, pacing or rolling gait. When viewed from the rear the hind legs are straight, tracking comparatively close together at the ground. At a moderate trot the hind legs are powerful and propelling. Viewed from the side the reasonably long, "reaching" stride is smooth and even, keeping the back line firm and level. As the speed of the gait is increased the Collie single tracks, bringing the front legs inward in a straight line from the shoulder toward the center line of the body and the hind legs inward in a straight line from the hip toward the center line of the body. The gait suggests effortless speed combined with the dog's herding heritage, requiring it to be capable of changing its direction of travel almost instantaneously. Tail : The tail is moderately long, the bone reaching to the hock joint or below. It is carried low when the dog is quiet, the end having an upward twist or swirl. When gaited or when the dog is excited it is carried gaily but not over the back. Coat: The well-fitting, proper-textured coat is the crowning glory of the Rough variety of Collie. It is abundant except on the head and legs. The outer coat is straight and harsh to the touch. A soft, open outer coat or a curly outer coat, regardless of quantity, is penalized. The undercoat, however, is soft, furry and so close together that it is difficult to see the skin when the hair is parted. The coat is very abundant on the mane and frill. The face or mask is smooth. The forelegs are smooth and well feathered to the back of the pasterns. The hind legs are smooth below the hock joints. Any feathering below the hocks is removed for the show ring. The hair on the tail is

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very profuse and on the hips it is long and bushy. The texture, quantity and the extent to which the coat "fits the dog" are important points. Color: The four recognized colors are "Sable and White," "Tri-color," "Blue Merle" and "White." There is no preference among them. The "Sable and White" is predominantly sable (a fawn sable color of varying shades from light gold to dark mahogany) with white markings usually on the chest, neck, legs, feet and the tip of the tail. A blaze may appear on the foreface or backskull or both. The "Tri-color" is predominantly black, carrying white markings as in a "Sable and White" and has tan shadings on and about the head and legs. The "Blue Merle" is a mottled or "marbled" color predominantly blue-grey and black with white markings as in the "Sable and White" and usually has tan shadings as in the "Tri-color." The "White" is predominantly white, preferably with sable, tri-color or blue merle markings. Size: Dogs are from 24 to 26 inches at the shoulder and weigh from 60 to 75 pounds. Bitches are from 22 to 24 inches at the shoulder, weighing from 50 to 65 pounds. An undersize or an oversize Collie is penalized according to the extent to which the dog appears to be undersize or oversize . Expression: Expression is one of the most important points in considering the relative value of Collies. Expression , like the term character, is difficult to define in words. It is not a fixed point as in color, weight or height and it is something the uninitiated can properly understand only by optical illustration. In general, however, it may be said to be the combined product of the shape and balance of the skull and muzzle, the placement, size, shape and color of the eye and the position, size and carriage of the ears. An expression that shows sullenness or which is suggestive of any other breed is entirely foreign. The Collie cannot be judged properly until its expression has been carefully evaluated. Smooth The Smooth variety of Collie is judged by the same Standard as the Rough variety, except that the references to the quantity and distribution of the coat are not applicable to the Smooth variety, which has a short, hard, dense, flat coat of good texture, with an abundance of undercoat.

Approved May 10, 1977


By Pat Caldwell

T he Collie was used extensively as a herd- ing dog and hailed from the highlands of Scotland and North- ern England. Th e true popularity of the breed came about dur- ing the 1860s when Queen Victoria visited the Scottish Highlands and fell in love with the breed. From that point on Col- lies became very fashionable. Th e Collie’s character has been further romanticized and portrayed as the ideal family com- panion by such authors as Albert Payson Terhune ( Lad of Sunnybank ), Eric Knight

( Lassie Come-Home ) and in the 1950s television series “Lassie.” Th e working Collie of the 1800s evolved into the “show” Collie that we know today. Th e Collie was expected to do whatever it was called upon to do, depending upon the particular farmer’s needs. Th e Collie could herd any type of livestock, whether out in the pasture, in the barnyard, or on the road, as well as protect the stock, farm and fam- ily. Th e versatility of Collies made them valuable workers. In addition to gathering and moving stock at home, they also were used for droving, taking stock from farm to farm or to the city markets; frequently

the drover went on ahead and the dog brought the stock along behind, sometimes even working out of sight of the drover. Collies & Children One of his greatest assets is his natu- ral love of children. Even when not raised with children, the Collie can be charm- ing, playful and protective with most well behaved kids. Stories have abounded for years of children guarded and protected by the family Collie. Collie Varieties Th e Collie breed comes in two di ff erent varieties—the Rough and the Smooth. Th e two varieties are identical with the excep- tion of the coat. Th e Smooth has a short, dense and fl at coat, while the Rough Col- lie has a long, well- fi tting, harsh-textured coat. It is abundant everywhere except on the head and legs and it is the crowning glory of the Rough variety of Collie. Collie Character Not only are they beautiful, but they are intelligent, friendly, loyal, loving and sensitive. Th ey are real family dogs and are noted for being very people-friendly. Like- wise, they are easy to train. In addition to being very clean dogs, they are one of the easiest breeds to housebreak. Th ey are notorious people dogs, known for wanting to be with their owners. Th ey make great couch potatoes! While they are excellent


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watch dogs, they are not known for being aggressive. A Collie should never be ner- vous, shy or fearful. Th ey love to play, retrieve and to go for long walks. In essence, they make great companions for young or old. Collie Colors Collies come in four different col- ors. The color long associated with the breed, thanks in part to Lassie, is the sable color. This color can range from a light golden tan to a rich mahogany color. The tricolor is black, white & tan. Blue Merle can range from a pale, silvery blue coloring, to a darker gray color, with black body spots of various sizes. The fourth color is white, which is a predominantly white body, with either sable, tri or blue markings, usu- ally on the head. Typically all Collies are marked with the traditional white

collar, chest, legs, feet, tail tip and sometimes white facial markings, called a blaze. Collie Conformation Th e written de fi nition of the Collie breed type is called a “standard.” As such, a breed’s written standard, represents ideal for producing and evaluating breed- ing stock. Th e following is taken from the general characteristics portion of the Collie Standard. “ Th e Collie presents an impressive, proud picture of true balance, each part being in harmonious proportion to every other part and to the whole. Except for the technical description that is essential to this standard and without which no Standard for the guidance of breeders and judges is adequate, it could be stated sim- ply that no part of the Collie ever seems to be out of proportion to any other part.”

It is sometimes said that this ideal can never be achieved–only approximat- ed. To that end, the standard presents the ultimate pattern for which breeders strive and to which judges compare. Naturally, in a less formal sense, breeders are always the first judge of their breeding and how well a new litter conforms to the standard of breed type. In a more formal sense, conforma- tion is the competition that takes place at a dog show. The challenge to the judge is to determine the entry that best conforms to the standard. The judge must set about this sometimes difficult task based on his or her knowledge of the standard, experience as a judge and with the breed, and the presentation of the dog on that day. The picture below is the winner of the Collie national spe- cialty in 2013. 4 )08 4 *()5 . "(";*/& + 6-: t


1) QUEEN VICTORIA FALLS FOR THE COLLIE E ven though the Collie had been the subject of writ- ings and poetry for several centuries, it was actually Queen Victoria who is credited with discovering and popularizing the breed. Up until 1860, Collies were used almost exclusively as work- ing Sheepdogs. Her interest in the breed had a profound impact on the dog owning pub- lic. Th e Collie's surging popularity started during the 1860's following her visit to the Scottish Highlands, where she fell in love with Collies she saw there. So impressed was she with the beauty, intelligence and faith- fulness of the Sheepdogs, that several soon joined her "Royal Balmoral Kennels". Th is was a historic epoch in the breed's history and from this point on, the Collie's popular- ity grew rapidly.

in fl uential fanciers with unlimited funds, beautiful estates and the best kennel man- agers in the country—going head-to-head in the Collie world. Th is rivalry did won- ders for the popularity and advancement of Collies at the time.


One of the most crucial events of the Collie's colorful and rich history occurred in 1902 when Mrs. Clara Lunt embarked upon a career of raising and showing Col- lies. Her Alstead Collies were the single most important in fl uence in the early years of American Collie development. Between the dogs that she imported and the wise breeding of those dogs, she bred more high quality Collies than almost any other indi- vidual. Not only were her stud dogs and brood bitches a major factor in developing and establishing breed type in this coun- try, but also Alstead was THE source upon which all of the early American kennels were based. She was the beginning of the American Collie. 5) “LAD, A DOG” IS PUBLISHED Albert Payson Terhune (1872-1942) through his articles and books did more for popularizing the Collie than any other single individual during the entire history

J.P. Morgan’s kennel man, Alfred Blewitt, with four of the Cragston Collies. Photo courtesy of the Archives of the Pierpont Morgan Library.

late 1800s. Th eir stories represent a large part of the early history of the Collie in this country. Without their in fl uence, power and money the Collie would not have advanced as quickly as it did and it was during this time that the breed wit- nessed one of its greatest periods. Th e most in fl uential breeder and exhibitor prior to 1900 was the world-famous fi nancier J.P. Morgan. He joined the ranks in 1888 when he began his Cragston Kennels. Others soon followed—W. Atlee Burpee of Burpee Seed fame; Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst of Verona Kennels in Pleasanton, Califor- nia (mother of William Randolph Hearst); Th omas Hunter, Knocklayde Collies, of Acme Tea and Food fame; William Ellery of Valverde Collies in San Francisco; and the renown corporate attorney from Long Island, Samuel Untermyer of Greystone Collies. Th anks to both Untermyer and Morgan's pursuit of the best Collies, one of the greatest rivalries ever witnessed occurred during this time. It basically got down to two extremely wealthy and


While Collies have long been associated with Scotland, it is actually to the entire Brit- ish Isles that the breed owes its development as a popular show dog, for it is from the Brit- ish Isles that we fi nd the famous breeders and pillars of the breed. Around 1868 a handful of dedicated British breeders started concentrat- ing on developing show characteristics. Many of the early breeders were English and lived in the district of Birmingham, an area long noted for its good Collies. For years, this area was the center of tremendous Collie activity and produced some of the very best dogs in the early history of the breed. Th is is where the true history of the show Collie begins.


Men and women of great wealth began to appear on the Collie Scene during the

Mrs. Clara Lunt with some of her earliest Alstead Collies, c. 1905.


8) CH SILVER HO PARADER ALTERS THE COLLIE WORLD Ch. Silver Ho Parader, born January 15, 1943, would set Collie records never before dreamed of, owned by a young, unknown Collie fancier named Steve Field, just beginning his Parader Collies. Every decade or so, there are certain predestined dogs that, because of their genetic domi- nance of desirable characteristics, exert a tremendous and lasting in fl uence on the breed. Silver Ho Parader was one of those dogs. Remarkably, not only did he spear- head the Parader family of dogs, he also set into motion one of the most dominant sire lines in breed history. Th e majority of today's Collies trace to him through his many sons and daughters. 9) SMOOTH COLLIES BREAK THE BARRIER While four smooth collies fi nished their championship in the early 1900s, the vari- ety all but disappeared from the American show scene following that time period. In the late 1930s a group of Rough Collie fan- ciers formed a syndicate and imported two Smooth Collies from England. Th e syndi- cate bred the two together. A male was the only descendant who would a ff ect future smooth development in this country, but it opened the door for others to follow. Flash forward 30 years: the meteoric rise

It is ironic for all of his eventual in fl u- ence; he was the sire of only two Ameri- can champions, neither of which made any impact on the breed. Like other imports before him, he sired in England, sons and daughters to carry on and several of his descendants actually crossed the pond before he did! Almost all of today's cur- rent collie bloodlines converge upon this dog. Not only do most of today's American Collies trace in tail male to this dog, but he played an equally important role in the formation of bitch lines. 7) ARKEN IS THE “QUINTESSENTIAL” AMERICAN KENNEL If Alstead was the beginning of the American Collie, Arken (c.1924) is where it all came together. While most breeders of the era were concentrating on import- ing their latest winners; the Arken owners, Charles and Lillian Wernsman, were busy creating their own successful family of dogs. Starting with Ch. El Troubadour of Arken, they had one of the most important sire lines in the history of the breed and it is a line that remains dominant to this day. At the same time, they had a kennel full of proli fi c bitches, beginning with Ch. Halbury Jean of Arken. Th e in fl uence of the Arken dogs is everywhere behind all of today's collie families!

The noted author and Collie enthusiast, Albert Payson Terhune.

of the Collie. Although he wrote many books, it will always be the dog books for which he will be remembered. His fi rst dog story "His Mate" debuted in the January 1915 issue of Redbook Magazine, followed by the 1919 publication of his fi rst dog book, "Lad, a Dog". His own Collies; Lad, Wolf and Bruce became household names. Not only did his writings put the breed in the limelight, but it jumpstarted Ter- hune's own Collie career which involved years of breeding, showing and judging. Sunnybank Collies became famous the world over and ironically remain in many of today's pedigrees. To this day, hundreds of people still make pilgrimages to “Sun- nybank” in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. It has become the setting for countless Collie functions, the best known of which, “ Th e Gathering” is held every August by the Collie Health Foundation. Th anks to Ter- hune, the breed became universally known and loved! 6) MAGNET IS SIRE SUPREME 1912 marked the birth of Eng. Ch. Magnet, a dog often referred to as the "Sire Supreme". His birth heralded a major turning point in breed development and he proved to be a sire of major propor- tions. Eileen Moretta of Glen Rose Collies imported him to America when he was nine years old, at an age many considered past his prime. Th ough shown in this country, he did not fi nish his AKC championship.

Ch. El Troubadour of Arken’s influential son, Ch. Future of Arken. Sired only 5 champions but two sons were responsible for creating two great sire lines.


responsible for many signi fi cant " fi rsts" in the breed. In 1970, at the National Special- ty in Worcester, Massachusetts, he became the fi rst smooth collie to win Best of Breed over the roughs. He was also the fi rst smooth Collie to win an all-breeds “Best in Show” and he was the leading Collie sire, rough or smooth for more than two decades. 10) THE LASSIE PHENOMENON No list of signi fi cant Collie events would be complete without mentioning "Lassie" and the tremendous in fl uence this one dog has had on the breed. For many, the name “Lassie” evokes warm childhood memories and is especially meaningful to children who grew up watching the movies in the 1940s and those who grew up watching the television show in the 1950s and 1960s. Lassie's important role as a loving protective member of the fam- ily, represented traditional values such as family and home, courage, loyalty and honesty. He soon became an American institution, famous the world over! Not only do we have Lassie to thank for put- ting the breed at the top of the popularity charts, but many people, including some of our top breeders, became interested in Collies thanks to the magical appeal of this Collie dog.

BIO Gayle Kaye is a successful, longtime breeder and exhibitor of Collies. A well- known and award winning author of sev- eral Collie books, she has written hundreds of articles on the breed. She judged “Breed and Intersex” at the 2013 Collie Club of America National Specialty in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Currently she is a National breed club Officer and Co-Chair of the CCA Judge’s Education Committee. AN AmERICAN INSTITuTION, fAmOuS THE wORLD OVER!” “Lassie’s important role as a loving protective member of the family, represented traditional values, such as family and home, courage, loyalty and honesty. HE SOON bECAmE

Ch. Black Hawk of Kasan was responsible for putting the Smooth Collie on equal footing with the rough.

of smooth popularity witnessed during the 1970s, came with the birth in 1966 of Ch. Black Hawk of Kasan. Owned by Sandy Tuttle of Kasan Collies, he hailed from the San Francisco Bay Area, long known as a hotbed of Smooth activity and devel- opment. Hawk put the smooth Collie on the map. One by one show records and sir- ing records fell by the wayside. Hawk was

Lassie pictured with Roddy McDowell in the movie “Lassie Come Home”, c. 1943.


“THE CHALLENGE TO THE JUDGE is to determine the entry that best conforms to the standard.”

Collie Performance Activities Collies often do well in the various per- formance events (Herding, Agility, Obe- dience & Rally, Tracking and Carting). Th ey will at the very least love the result- ing attention, and you will have a well- behaved dog! Herding The Collie is a versatile herding dog, capable of working a variety of livestock in different situations. The majority of Collies are naturally gathering (fetch- ing) dogs which cast out and gather up the animals and bring them to the han-

dler; a few will naturally drive, push- ing stock ahead of the handler. Many Collies work quietly, while others may tend to bark. Collies usually work in an upright posture. Agility Agility is an exciting team sport which allows the Collie and handler to work together in an activity that is both chal- lenging and fun for both. Training a Collie for agility can involve enrolling in a local training class, taking private lessons, going to agility training seminars, watching vid- eos/DVDs, and reading books and maga-

zines on the topic. It also involves a great deal of practice and understanding of the rules for those who plan to compete in o ffi - cial agility events. With the right training and a little persistence, this is a sport that both children and adults can enjoy with their Collies. Obedience & Rally Obedience is a great way to build a relationship with your dog. Whether your goals are just a CD (basic heel- ing, stays, and recall) or the higher titles of CDX, UD, UDX, or even an OTCH (involving jumping, retrieving,

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“The Collie is the most beautiful and most noble of all the breeds and THEY DESERVE ONLY THE BEST!”

and scent work,) this is a great way to demonstrate teamwork between owner and dog. The AKC has recently intro- duced new levels of classes and a new advanced title of Obedience Master, which offers something for every com- petitor. Obedience skills build a use- ful foundation for other performance sports such as agility. Rally Obedience is a wonderful way to start a dog in obedience. In rally you follow a series of signs depicting exercises that make up a course. Th e exercises are all obedience related. It’s a fun way to learn obedience in a less stressful atmosphere. And the fi rst level is all on leash! Tracking Even if one never becomes involved in the more professional applications of scent work, tracking can be an enjoyable hobby that physically and mentally stimulates both the collie and the handler. Although

tracking requires a certain level of physical fi tness in order to eventually put in a mile or two of walking during a training session, it is a low impact activity that is friendly to joints of “mature” collies and handlers alike. Carting Although the Collie is considered a herding breed, it was historically (and still is) much more. Th e Collie was devel- oped as an all-around farm dog expected to do whatever the farmer and his family required. Th is included not only moving stock, but also hauling produce to market; feed to livestock; wood, milk and supplies to the house; and so forth. Since carting is a natural part of the Collie’s working heritage, it is little wonder many Collies excel at it. Is This The Collie Breed For You? You should do your homework before purchasing a Collie by reading up on the breed, visiting with various breed-

ers, and most importantly, by seeing the dogs. Th is can either be done at dog shows, performance events or by visiting a breeder’s home or kennel. People who love Collies for all the reasons the breed is famous for, usually do so for life! Th e Collie is the most beautiful and most noble of all the breeds and they deserve only the best! Additional Information Visit for additional information. Th e Collie Club of America is the national Collie club. It has been in exis- tence for 120 years, and is there to pro- tect and promote the breed, with mem- bers in every state. Members are bound by a code of ethics and should be your fi rst point of contact if you are consider- ing adding a Collie to your home. Most states have a representative that is an excellent source of fi rst contact to add a Collie to your household.

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By Gayle Kaye Co-Chair of the Collie Club of America Judge’s Education Committee

ones immediately grab your attention as having correct Collie proportions? Th e Collie should present an impressive, proud picture of true balance, each part being in harmonious proportion to every other part and to the whole. Th e Collie is not a square dog, but should be a trifle long in propor- tion to the height. From this first glimpse you can also find the ones that appear ele- gant, lithe, responsive and active. t *T UIF mSTU JNQSFTTJPO POF PG B QSPVE  impressive dog carrying no useless timber? t %PFT UIF IFBE QSPmMF TIPX MJHIUOFTT and cleanness with parallel planes, without hint of depth? t *TUIFOFDLGBJSMZMPOHXJUIBTMJHIUBSDI at the nape, contributing to the proud, upstanding appearance? t %PFT UIF UPQMJOF PG UIF CPEZ BQQFBS level with a slight rise over the loin? t "SFUIFFMCPXTTFUXFMMVOEFSUIFCPEZ with the head well forward of the with- ers and well above the level of the back? t %PFTUIFDIFTUFYUFOEUPUIFFMCPX t %PUIFIJOERVBSUFSTQMBDFUIFSFBSGFFU just behind an imaginary line dropped from the pin bone to the ground, and EPFT UIF EPH FYIJCJU XFMMCFOU TUJnFT and well-let down rear pasterns? t *TUIFDSPVQXFMMSPVOEFEBOEEPFTJUDPO - tinue the graceful curves of the outline? t *TUIFUBJMPGBQMFBTJOHMFOHUI UIFCPOF reaching to the hock joint or below) to complete the picture and carried prop- erly below the back? t *O4NPPUIT EPFTUIFDPBUBQQFBSTIPSU  hard and flat, allowing a clear view of the natural outline? t *O3PVHIT EPFTUIFDPBU XIJDIJTUIF crowning glory, appear abundant, straight and harsh and is it well-fitted, enhancing the beauty of the overall picture? A walk down the line is now in order BT ZPV BTTFTT UIF RVBMJUJFT PG i&YQSFT - TJPOw &YQSFTTJPO JT POF PG UIF NPTU important points in considering the rela-

tive value of Collies and is difficult to define in words. Key words are sweet, bright, alert, intelligent and quizzical. Once you have seen correct and beau- UJGVM FYQSFTTJPO ZPV XJMM OFWFS GPSHFU JU and those dogs that come closest to the best optical illustration will certainly stand out from the others. t "SF UIF FZFT TFU PCMJRVFMZ JOUP B XFMM chiseled foreface? t *T UIF FZF EBSL  BMNPOE TIBQFE BOE of medium size, not round, light and prominent or small, hard and beady? t "SFUIFFBSTESBXOXFMMVQPOUIFTLVMM with a fourth tipping forward when the dog is alert? t %PFTUIFDPNCJOBUJPOPGUIFTFDIBSBDUFS - istics along with a well-rounded muzzle, a clean, flat skull and correct ears create BDMFBS CSJHIUBQQFBSBODFBOEBOFYQSFT - sion of “intelligent inquisitiveness”? /FYU UBLFUIFEPHTBSPVOEUIFSJOH Side gait is the true test of the balance and fit of the individual parts. t %PFTUIF$PMMJFNPWFBTBVOJU OPUEJT - solving into a mass of unrelated pieces? t 8IFOWJFXFEGSPNUIFTJEF JTUIFSFB - sonably long, “reaching” stride smooth and even? t "TUIFEPHDPWFSTHSPVOE EPFTIFEPTP in an e ff ortless manner, showing speed and endurance? t %PFTUIFUPQMJOFSFNBJOMFWFM UIFUBJM carried confidently but not curled over the back? t %PUIFGPVSMFHTNPWFJODPSSFDUUFN - po, carrying the Collie over the ground with grace and e ffi ciency? t %PUIFGSPOUMFHTFYUFOEGSFFMZXJUIOP FYUSBMJGUPSMBCPSJOHBDUJPO t *O DPNJOH BOE HPJOH  BT UIF TQFFE increases, does the dog single track front and rear? Hopefully, the dog has been taught to move on a loose lead at a moderate speed (faster is not better) to display his

I n order to develop a clear men- tal picture of correct Collie type, an in-depth study of the Standard is important, fol- lowed by attendance at breed specific seminars, and observa- tion of Collie judging in quality entries (such as the National Specialty or local specialties). Knowing and understanding the Standard is essential so that knowl- edge can be applied when judging instead of selection that is based upon personal whims. Also interaction with qualified, articulate mentors is crucial to learning. Finding a mentor will not only help bring you closer to establishing a clear mental image of ideal type, but it will also help you to gain an appreciation of those important hard to get virtues that are treasured by long time breeders. “Type” is what makes a particular dog look like a Collie. Correct Collie type should be apparent as the dogs first enter the ring. Your first impression will be the silhouette from across the ring as the dogs are “showing” for their handlers. Which

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herding heritage at its best. Key words here are smooth, e ffi cient, e ff ortless and ground covering. ɨF JOEJWJEVBM FYBNJOBUJPO TIPVME begin with the head. Please note: promi- nent head faults are very severely penal- ized. When viewed from both front and side, your first impression should be a long, lean, well blunted wedge. You can’t really judge a Collie without putting your hands on the head. As you lay your hands lightly on the head keep in mind the importance the Collie Standard places on head qualities (qualities that can easily be lost in one generation). Th e reasons for FNQIBTJTPOIFBE FZFBOEFYQSFTTJPOBSF deeply rooted in the Collie’s early days of 4IFFQIFSEJOH BTJUXBTFYUSFNFMZJNQPS - tant that the Collie not look like the Sheep’s greatest enemy, the Wolf. t *T UIF NV[[MF TNPPUI BOE SPVOE BOE are the cheekbones flat to the touch without flaring? t *TUIFVOEFSKBXXFMMmOJTIFEBOEEPUIF teeth meet in a scissors bite? t Are the muzzle and skull equal in length? t Are the planes parallel? Be sure to check GPS FYDFTTJWF EFQUI GSPN CSPX UP UIF throat-line. t *TUIFTUPQWFSZTMJHIUCVUQFSDFQUJCMF t *TUIFDFOUFSPGUIFTUPQBUUIFJOOFSDPS - ner of the eye? t *TUIFCBDLTLVMMBTnBUUPUIFUPVDIBT it appears from a distance? Hair can play funny tricks and ears drawn at attention can disguise a skull that recedes to the back or side.

t *TUIFFZFQMBDFEPCMJRVFMZBOEDIJTFMFE into the foreface to give it a forward outlook? t *TUIFFZFEBSL BMNPOETIBQFEBOEPG medium size? "GUFS FYBNJOJOH UIF IFBE BOE UIF CPEZ ZPV OFYU DPOTJEFS NPWFNFOU DPNJOH BOE going. Send the dogs down and back, seeking those whose legs converge and single track as speed increases. Th e Collie should be evalu- ated standing naturally after coming to a stop. Ask the handler to take a step forward if you have a question about the dog’s static bal- ance or stance. Also please keep in mind that UIF$PMMJF4UBOEBSETQFDJmDBMMZTUBUFTiFYDFT - sive ‘posing’ is undesirable.” Finally send the dog around to the end of the line to again remind yourself of his side movement. By now you will have begun to assess temperament as well as physical quali- ties. Which dogs show the proud picture of true balance, displaying no signs of timidity, frailness, lack of animation or a cumbersome appearance? Th e dog that projects naturally elegant carriage is highly desirable in the Collie. Timidity, frailness, sullenness, viciousness, lack of animation, cumbersome appearance and lack of over- all balance impair the general character. At this point you will have made men- tal notes of the dogs that possess the best type and soundness. Now it is a matter of sorting through this final cut to find the best of the best, always keeping in mind the Collie Standard’s strong emphasis on DPSSFDU IFBE  FZF BOE FYQSFTTJPO %POU

hesitate to have your final contenders face ZPVUPDPNQBSFFYQSFTTJPO XIJDIJTPGUFO a key deciding factor in top competition. Th e Smooth Variety of Collie is judged CZUIFTBNF4UBOEBSEBTUIF3PVHI7BSJ - FUZ FYDFQUUIBUUIFSFGFSFODFTUPUIFRVBO - tity and distribution of the coat are not applicable. Th e Smooth has a short, hard, EFOTF nBUDPBUPGHPPEUFYUVSF XJUIBO abundance of undercoat. *O TVNNBSZ  XIBU EJTUJOHVJTIFT UIF Collie from any other breed are his head properties, especially the eye, ear and UIF UZQJDBM FYQSFTTJPO 8F BMTP WBMVF BO overall picture of balance and elegance, coupled with a confident dog that is put together correctly, that can move e ff ort- lessly, and possesses the essential beauty of breed type. Without these qualities you have just an ordinary dog and with them you have one of the most majestic breeds imaginable. Also please note that Collies have no disqualifications other than those mandated by AKC. BIO Gayle Kaye is a successful, longtime breeder and exhibitor of Collies. A well- known and award winning author of several Collie books, she has written hundreds of articles on the breed. She recently judged “Breed and Intersex” at the Collie Club of America National Specialty in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Cur- rently she is a National breed club Offi- cer and Co-Chair of the CCA Judge’s Education Committee.

Photo by Collie Expressions

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JUDGING THE COLLIE: a capsule view

By John Buddie & Gayle Kaye Co-chairs, Judges Education Collie Club of America

W hile we have been a member of the Judges Education Com- mittee of the Collie Club of America for many years, it was in the last three terms that the greatest strides were made. Prior to that, several members of the committee had been approached by judges both new and old, who seemed to be some- what confused as to the most important details to be concerned with when judg- ing the Collie. It seems that whenever these individuals went to more than one presentation on judging the Collie, the presenters seemed to have di ff erent ideas as to what was most important, as well as having a di ff erent interpretation of the Standard. When the previous committee met for the fi rst time, this was something that we discussed in detail, and at that time, the head of our committee, Tom Coen, had the idea of putting together a DVD that could be shared by all breed mentors so that the “message” delivered to all aspiring judges would be the same, and would help de fl ect any confusion. Following the AKC guidelines of what needed to be included, the committee set to work to produce the product. Commit- tee members came to the meeting with a variety of pictures of the “ideal”. Seeing as they bred di ff erent families of dogs and came from di ff erent genetic back- grounds, it gave us the opportunity to use a cross section of photos. A great deal of time was spent in selecting the right photos. All too often, the dogs that many felt were outstanding, unfortunately, did not have the photographs to depict the “ideal”. Th e message was clear… we had to select the BEST photos that

represented the IDEAL of the character- istics and details in the most fl attering and positive way. Last year, a new addition was added to our “judges packet”. A quick “Vignette” of the Collie—something a judge could glance at quickly before judging the breed, and something that they could refer to at any given time. In short, it was a reminder of all that the Collie is about... in beauty, in structure, in details and in balance. Please see the pictures of the Vignette! In addition to the DVD and the Vignette, the Judges Education Com- mittee, also created a mentor list, which

anyone can fi nd on our National web- site— In order to become a breed mentor, one has to qualify with certain criteria. Once that criteria has been met, and the individual is approved, they are added to the mentor list Since our National specialty rotates through seven zones throughout the country, the mentors available in those areas, volunteer to sit with attendees from the Judges Education program through- out the National week, and share insights and thoughts with new judges. Th is gives the new judges multiples perspectives to learn from.




T he importance of each breed’s health is as important as its Standard. With- out health and vitality, no breed can thrive—much less survive. The birth of the Collie Health Foundation developed initially as the health committee for Collie Club of America. While its intent and concept were good, under this structure CCA was only able to provide limited support for Collie research and related activities. As explained on the CHF website, “ Health problems, such as Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA), Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Bloat, Epilepsy, skin disorders, Derma- tomyositis (DMS) and Grey Collie Syndrome, that can affect the Collie breed, need signifi- cant funding if they are ever to be conquered. Thus, the Foundation was born, with the pri- mary function of addressing the breed’s major health problems.” The demand to meet the health needs of the breed far exceeded the function of a parent club health committee. Benefits of becoming a separate organization were two-fold. It would provide donors tax deductions and allow donations to fund research and related health activities. The Foundation’s primary function was addressing the breed’s major health problems. Its main purpose is to fund research in breeding, genetics, and health issues of all dogs, with the primary emphasis on research as it relates directly to Collies. So far, the Foundation has given grants to the following areas of research: Bloat, Grey Collie, Epilepsy, eye dis- eases (most notably PRA), DMS, and many other health-related problems. The message of the Foundation is that funding nurtures and provides for research and education. In 1986, the Collie Club of America established the Collie Club of America Founda- tion, Inc. The concept for the organization was conceived and brought to fruition by a group of longtime breeders. With the Collie Club of America’s assistance and coopera- tion, the reality of the organization was set into motion, gaining strength and success annually. Its accomplishments have been inspiring. “The Collie Health Foundation was one of the first dog health-related foundations and preceded the AKC Canine Health Foundation, which was modeled on the Collie Health Foundation’s original structure,” explained Nancy McDonald, former President and current Board Member. What does CHF engage itself in now? While its mission is to fund research projects that will benefit the future health of Collies, it also strives to educate the general public and Collie breeders about health issues. Currently, CHF has allocated over one million dollars in Collie and dog-related research, with the promise of more on the horizon.


discover cures/controls for people afflicted with related conditions. Canine researchers are already aligned with NIH, National Institute of Health. For example, early detection of bladder cancer in dogs. This leads to NIH trials on people to determine if the same early detection methods with dogs could be used with humans. Many researchers involved on finding an effective heart disease treatment in dogs are also working hand in hand with drug companies. Canine research is helping lead the charge in this arena. DMS does not affect only dogs. Related to people, children can genetically inherit DMS. The type of DMS in children is similar to that which we see in our Collies and Shelties. The magnitude of being able to treat children inflicted with this condition would be lifechanging. All because of research with our dogs.” Interested in participation to pay it forward to Collie and dog- related health issues? “Currently, there is DMS clinical treatment open to both purebred Collies and Shelties at no cost to owners due to the generosity of funding by CHF, the ASSA - American Shetland Sheepdog Association, and through the AKC Canine Health Foun- dation,” explained Johns. “To participate, interested owners and breeders would contact any of the three mentioned organizations.” PURPOSE AND GOALS OF THE COLLIE HEALTH FOUNDATION The specific purposes and objectives of the Foundation include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. To foster and promote the public’s knowledge and apprecia- tion of dogs in general and Collies in particular. 2. To further understanding of the diseases, defects, injuries, and other ailments that afflict dogs in general and Collies in particular. 3. To support and promote the study of, and research on, the history, character, varieties, breeding genetics, and particular health problems of Collies. 4. To establish a national database of resource materials about Collies. 5. To produce, publish, and distribute to the general public, edu- cational materials about the proper care, treatment, breeding, health, development, and training of Collies. For more information about the Collie Health Foundation, visit its amazing site at

Its website contains an abundance of information, from perti- nent genetic tests, articles, videos, and blood banking to grant overviews and current research samples needed. Examples of current research samples in which Collie own- ers can now participate are the Coloboma research study to locate a genetic marker for the condition, the underlying devel- opment of DMS in Collies (and Shelties), and Identification of Genetic Risk in Collies with Epilepsy. Information about these studies and how to become a participant can be found on the CHF website. How does the Foundation earn income to support worthy research? It is an “IRS 501(c)3 non-profit” corporation, receiv- ing its funds through membership donations, fund-raising activities, and other contributions. Collie Club of America gives $1 from each CCA member’s annual dues to CHF. As the Foundation’s membership grows, grants can become more gen- erous. In essence, the Foundation has filled a large void. Many other breed clubs, including the American Kennel Club, have followed suit and established their own Health Foundations (AKC/CHF). The Collie Club of America was, and is, a leader in this area. On December 17, 2002 the organization changed its name from the Collie Club of America Foundation to the Collie Health Foundation. This gives the Foundation a unique iden- tity, separate from the Collie Club of America, while allowing it to represent its mission more clearly. Robette Johns, current President of CHF, commented, “The Foundation serves its membership through the remark- able scientific health advances afforded by the diligent work of the incredible researchers it supports. When we award grant money, we stay with the researcher(s) until the conclusion of the project.” She continued, “I think it is important to have a good working relationship the AKC Canine Health Foundation also. We have been part of their projects as well. For example, in the past, CHF has allocated $50,000 towards bloat research, mon- ey towards tick-borne diseases, and $75,00 towards epilepsy.” It is important to note that these projects benefit not only Collies but all dogs . It even goes beyond the dogs. She continued, “It is imperative for everyone to under- stand that what we do today researching health issues with our dogs could possibly become the catalyst to helping researchers

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Patt Caldwell grew up loving Collies due to, of course, the Lassie television program. Growing up, the family had three pet Collies. As a teenager, Patt would ride city transportation to go to the benched Chicago International Dog Show to see all the beautiful Collies. As an adult, she started her emersion into AKC sports with two Obedience Collies and then moved into Conformation. Since then, Patt has served the Collie Club of America as a District Director, Assistant to the club’s Junior Showmanship Chairperson, Chairperson of the Breed Education Committee, and an Election Coordinator. She is the current Secretary for the Collie Health Foundation and holds memberships in the CCA, Collie Health Foundation, Collie Club of Austin, Central States Collie Club, and Chicago Collie Club. Within each of these clubs, Patt has served in various officer positions and on numerous committees. She is an approved AKC Conformation Judge for Collies and All-Breed Junior Showmanship. Retired from 42 years teaching general and special education, Patt is becoming more involved in AKC venues that are new to her.

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