Collie Breed Magazine - Showsight

“THE CHALLENGE TO THE JUDGE is to determine the entry that best conforms to the standard.”

Collie Performance Activities Collies often do well in the various per- formance events (Herding, Agility, Obe- dience & Rally, Tracking and Carting). Th ey will at the very least love the result- ing attention, and you will have a well- behaved dog! Herding The Collie is a versatile herding dog, capable of working a variety of livestock in different situations. The majority of Collies are naturally gathering (fetch- ing) dogs which cast out and gather up the animals and bring them to the han-

dler; a few will naturally drive, push- ing stock ahead of the handler. Many Collies work quietly, while others may tend to bark. Collies usually work in an upright posture. Agility Agility is an exciting team sport which allows the Collie and handler to work together in an activity that is both chal- lenging and fun for both. Training a Collie for agility can involve enrolling in a local training class, taking private lessons, going to agility training seminars, watching vid- eos/DVDs, and reading books and maga-

zines on the topic. It also involves a great deal of practice and understanding of the rules for those who plan to compete in o ffi - cial agility events. With the right training and a little persistence, this is a sport that both children and adults can enjoy with their Collies. Obedience & Rally Obedience is a great way to build a relationship with your dog. Whether your goals are just a CD (basic heel- ing, stays, and recall) or the higher titles of CDX, UD, UDX, or even an OTCH (involving jumping, retrieving,

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