Chinook Breed Magazine - Showsight


front legs turn out slightly. Th is is nor- mal and allows for a more e ffi cient trans- fer of energy. Front and back legs should be straight, strong, and in proportion to each other in length and angle. Feet are very important and should be tight and strong. Conformation should embody strength and grace. A Chinook in motion should be smooth, e ffi cient and e ff ortless. Pinched fronts, steep croups, weak and sloping toplines, and short front legs are common faults that trouble Chinooks. However, their enormous heart and desire to please their owners seems to overcome any challenge. Today, Chinooks remain unequalled as a successful house pet and recreational companion. Many owners are using their Chinooks for recreational pulling – sled- ding, skijoring, rigging, bikejoring, and scootering. Some Chinooks are earning Agility, Rally, Lure Coursing and Obedi- ence titles. Other Chinooks are tracking, performing therapy work, and even some herding. And all Chinooks enjoy close, active relationships with their owners, even if they do nothing more than share their time and a ff ection. After a hands-on, close examination of a Chinook, you should be left with a sense of strength, beauty, pride and a smile your face. Chinook Club of America has a list of approved mentors and presenters avail- able or if you have questions and would like to contact our Standard and Judges Education committee, please visit www. . You can fi nd our club documents, Breed Standard, breed info and many color photos here as well. If you would like a personal meeting

with Chinooks, feel free to contact our club or a Chinook breeder/exhibitor. On behalf of our Chinooks, we look forward to meeting you in the ring!!! Chinook Breed Standard GENERAL APPEARANCE —Th e Chinook was developed in the United States as a sled dog whose function was drafting and sled dog racing. Bred to combine the power of freighting breeds with the speed of the lighter racing sled dogs, he is an athletic, hard bodied dog showing good forward reach and rear extension in a seemingly tireless gait. Th e Chinook is an impressive dog, with an aquiline muzzle, dark almond eyes, black eye markings, a variety of ear carriages, and a tawny, close fi tting coat. His saber tail is held in a graceful sickle curve. Th e male should appear unquestionably mas- culine; the female should have a distinctly feminine look and be judged equally with the male. A digni fi ed and a ff ectionate family dog, the Chinook is known for his love of children. Th e Chinook is to be presented in a natural condition with no trimming. Th e following is a description of the ideal Chinook. SIZE, PROPORTION, SUB- STANCE —Th e Chinook is a slow matur- ing breed. SIZE — Ideal height at the withers: males 24 to 26 inches; females 22 to 24 inches. PROPORTION — When measuring from point of shoulder to the point of buttocks the Chinook is slightly longer than tall. Th e proportion of height to length of body being as 9:10 in ratio. SUBSTANCE — Muscular with moderate bone, a gender di ff erence is

easily discernable. Th e Chinook exempli- fi es a sound athlete in grace, muscle tone, movement, and carriage. HEAD —Th e HEAD is broad, wedge- shaped, and impressive but in balance with the size of the dog. Cheeks are well- developed and slightly rounded. Th e EXPRESSION is intelligent, inquisitive and kind. Th e EYES are medium in size and almond in shape with black rims. Th e eye can be any shade of brown but dark brown is preferred. Dark markings around the eye that accentuate the eye and give character are desirable. Extended black pigment in an apostrophe shape at the inner corner of each eye is preferred. Disquali fi cation: Any eye color other than brown. Th e EARS are set near the top line of the skull. Th ey are medium in size, V-shaped, and slightly rounded at the tip. Th e ear tip should be just long enough to reach the inside corner of the eye. Any ear type is allowed, including drop, prick, or propeller ears that main- tain a fold when at attention. For aes- thetic purposes, dropped and matched ears are preferred. Th e TOPSKULL is broad and slightly arched between the ears. When viewed from above, the top- skull is almost square, gradually narrow- ing and fl attening on top as it approaches the eyes. Th e STOP is moderate and marked with a central furrow extending up the topskull. Th e MUZZLE is aqui- line and shorter in length than the top- skull, measuring from nose to stop as 2:3 in ratio with stop to occiput. Viewed from the front, the muzzle is tapered to form a blunt wedge. Viewed from the side, the top of the muzzle to the nasal cartilage

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