Chinook Breed Magazine - Showsight


a sled dog to both adults and children everywhere. He was even commemo- rated as a Steiff stuffed animal. He was so famous that when Chinook was lost in Antarctica during the expedition, it made headline news around the world! At Walden’s request, Route 113A from Tamworth to Wonalancet, New Hampshire, was named “Chinook Trail” to honor his beloved dog. It still bears this name today. When Walden returned from Antarctica, the Depression had already taken a toll on his farm. Heartbroken after the loss of Chinook, Walden sold his Chinook Kennels to Eva “Short” Seeley, and the remaining Chinooks to Julia Lombard, whose family owned Old Mother Hubbard Dog Food. Short Seeley went forward breeding Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes at the Chinook Kennels and would register the first of their kind with the American Kennel Club. Julia went on to breed Chinooks with Walden’s direction until his death in 1947. She then sold her Chinooks to Perry Greene in Waldoboro, Maine, who was the sole breeder of the Chinooks until his death in 1963. During these years, Greene actively promoted the Chinook as a recreational companion and cherished part of American histo- ry. He even sold a Chinook named Charger to Boeing Helicopter. Charger became the mascot for Chinook Helicopter Divisions during the Vietnam War. After Greene’s death, the breed was shuffled around until it came to rest at the Sukeforth Kennel in Maine. By the early 1980’s, the breed had almost drifted into lure and extinction. With only 11 breeding dogs remaining, their

future was uncertain. It was their rich history and the impressions made on the hearts of children that would save the breed. Children that had grown up loving the Chinook went searching for them as adults, finding these remain- ing dogs at their most critical moment. Together, these few breeders joined their efforts and created a genetic plan for successful breeding. In 1991, Chinooks entered the UKC registry and in 2001 the breed began registering with the AKC Foundation Stock Service. In 2004, the Chinook Club of America was created to help protect and promote the Chinook as it contin- ued its journey with the AKC. After many years of hard work, through the dedication of many people, the Chinook entered AKC Miscellaneous Class in July 2010. Today the Chinook enjoys quiet com- forts in homes all over the world; once again, imprinting on the hearts of chil- dren. In 2009, the unexpected honor of being named the state dog of New

Hampshire was brought about by the efforts of New Hampshire’s Lurgio Middle School kids. With over 1000 dogs alive today, the Chinook has escaped the grasp of extinction. As it moves into the ranks of a breed recog- nized by the American Kennel Club, it reclaims its rightful place in American history. In the AKC show ring, expect the Chinook to retain its uniqueness. A large, tawny, almost mongrel looking sled dog with floppy ears may seem out of place among other fancier, fluffier breeds. Though the Chinook’s unexpected appearance and gregari- ousness may seem unrefined, their intelligence and deep, intuitive senses display a keen potential. The Chinook has successfully claimed a niche in the


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