Cairn Terrier Breed Magazine - Showsight

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undershot. 3. Eyes - Too large, prominent, yellow, and ringed are all objectionable. 4. Ears - Too large, round at points, set too close together, set too high on the head; heavily covered with hair. 5. Legs and Feet - Too light or too heavy bone. Crooked forelegs or out at elbow. Thin, ferrety feet; feet let down on the heel or too open and spread. Too high or too low on the leg. 6. Body - Too short back and compact a body, hampering quickness of movement and turning ability. Too long, weedy and snaky a body, giving an impression of weakness. Tail set on too low. Back not level. 7. Coat - Open coats, blousy coats, too short or dead coats, lack of sufficient undercoat, lack of head furnishings, lack of hard hair on the legs. Silkiness or curliness. A slight wave permissible. 8. Nose - Flesh or light-colored nose. 9. Color - White on chest, feet or other parts of body.

Approved May 10, 1938

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