Wirehaired Vizsla Breed Magazine - Showsight

“Winnie” Photo courtesy of Ed Felker.

Pointers is that the coat on the underbelly and legs are to be shorter, softer and thin- ner than the body coat. Also the beard and brows are not as pronounced, the beard being approximately 1 inch in length. Th is breed is also to be shown with minimal stripping, as close to its natural coat, never clipped! Lacking undercoat or coat brushes on the back of the front legs is to be penal- ized, as is any deviation in coat texture or excessive length. Th e ideal coat length is approximately 1 inch. Th e color of the coat can be varying shades of golden rust; my fi rst thought of this line in the standard was, what does

this mean? But after looking at the coats on some dogs I understand the golden part. When looking at the wire coat, one hair consists of two colors, thus giving it the “golden” hue. Th e shades vary from golden rust to a honey gold. Th e ears may be slightly darker in color than the coat on the body, otherwise the coat color is uniform. Red, brown or yellow colors are faulty. Th is being a self-colored breed, the eyes, eye-rims, lips, nose and toenails should blend with the color of the coat. Yellow eyes are a serious fault. Disquali- fi cations include partially or completely black nose, white extending above the toes

or white anywhere else on the dog except the fore chest or throat, which can only be 2 inches or less in any direction. Now let’s examine the rest of the dog. If my counting skills are up to par, then the words “medium” or “moderate” are in the standard fi fteen times. So to say that the Wirehaired Vizsla is a dog with no exaggerations would be the short story. Th e breed is of medium size with overall symmetry and balance. Th e ideal height of adults for males is 23-25 inches and females 21.5-23 inches. A disquali fi cation for size on males is over 26 inches or under 22 and for females over 24 inches or under


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