Bracco Italiano Breed Magazine - Showsight

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Temperament: The Bracco is tough and adapted to all types of hunting, reliable, docile, and intelligent. Friendly, not shy, never aggressive, and readily makes eye contact. Extreme shyness is a fault. Aggressiveness is a disqualification. Fault: Any departure from the foregoing constitutes a fault which when judging must be penalized according to its seriousness and its extension. Disqualifications: Height at the withers less than 21 inches after 12 months of age. Height greater than 27 inches. Dish face (convergence of the planes of the skull and muzzle). Wall eye. Split nose. Tricolor, tan markings, fawn or hazel color. Any trace of black on coat or mucous membranes. Any solid color other than white. Albinism. Aggressiveness.

Approved October 8, 2018 Effective July 3, 2019

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