Showsight Spring Edition, February/March 2021

They're baaack! Are you ready for the shows of 2021? Have you created your 2021 campaign plan yet? Well, the time is now! If you're unsure that you'll be showing all year, but you are sure that you'll be in the rings over the next two months OR UNTIL WESTMINSTER then our most popular issue is for you. Look no further than Showsight's April Issue!

"Teddy" GCHP Cerise Bonanza

Cherry FC.indd 2

The April Edition will be handed-out at all shows nationwide for four weeks in a row. A complimentary copy will be mailed and emailed to All AKC Judges. The Showsight Newsletter, which includes all of the April Edition's Articles & Ads, will be emailed to our 39,000+ subscribers, including all AKC Judges! In addition, your advertisement will be featured on the Showsight Facebook page. CUSTOM-BUILT ADS ONLY $475 / EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE ONLY $425 BOOK TODAY! | 512.541.8128



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