Dalmatian Breed Magazine - Showsight

Deviations from Correct Type

Not sturdy in bone (too fine boned), exaggerated tuckup.

Body is longer in loin than desired, topline is not smooth, croup not nearly level with back.

Too coarse, front and rear not balanced, stifles not well bent.

Sloping topline, over-angulated rear, high hocks.

“The head is in balance with the overall dog. expression should indicate an alert, intelligent dog with a stable teMperaMent.”

Most new judges probably worry too much about the color and markings of Dalmatians. Patches, Tri-color and any color other than black or liver are to be disqualified. In my twenty five years of judging Dalmatians, I have never wit- nessed a true Patch, Tri-color or any oth- er colored Dalmatian appear in a confor- mation ring. Patches are NOT run together spot- ting. Tri-color is a pattern, as seen on a Bernese Mountain Dog, with tan mark- ings on the face, chest, legs or base of

tail. Di ff erent shades of liver brown does NOT consitutue a Tri-color. Tri-colors must have tan markings in addition to the black or liver spotting. Any other colors include lemon, orange or blue, but these rarely occur within our breed. Present day Dalmatians that are being shown are exhibiting more color than in years past. Spotting patterns can range from very few spots to an over abun- dance of spots. Ideally most breeders would prefer the patterns to be some- where in the middle, with nicely placed,

individual spots. A perfectly spotted dog, however, is not always the best Dal- matian in the ring. I frequently get questions about dogs with what appear to have solid black or solid liver ears. Th ey are often confused with being a Patch. When looking at a Dalmatian ear, I always suggest look- ing at the underside of the ear, as well as the part that is visible. Check for white “guard hairs” or any evidence of what appears as faint outlines of spots that have run together (this appears like

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