Weimaraner Breed Magazine - Showsight

WEIMARANER A Breeders’ Perspective

“black mottled mouth” (which you would only see on a blue Weim which you should have DQ’d for color before you got to the mouth). Many judges ignore an important DQ in our standard. I’d like to see the wicket USED more often. Over and over I see a dog/bitch that even after 61 years with the breed, I couldn’t tell you if it is in or out – yet the judge does not measure the exhibit. Our standard clearly states: Height at the withers: dogs, 25 to 27 inches; bitches, 23 to 25 inches. One inch over or under the specified height of each sex is allowable but should be penalized. Dogs measuring less than 24 inches or more than 28 inches and bitches measuring less than 22 inches or more than 26 inches shall be disqualified. Note that the 1” over and under “should be penalized.” We are “A medium-sized gray dog, with fine aristocratic features. He should present a picture of grace, speed, stamina, alert- ness and balance. Above all, the dog's conformation must indicate the ability to work with great speed and endurance in the field.” Whether a judge is going to “use” the exhibit or not –please measure those exhibits in question. 11. Which dog not bred or owned by you, do you wish you could have owned and why? I’d have to list sev- eral of course! Natl Ch Nani’s Southern Cross BROM HOF “Cross” was a Futurity/Maturity winner and our youngest National Champion at one year old. The most important thing Cross did was he consistently put excellent hips on his puppies and beautiful breed type. Of course, not one of his puppies would “come” but then neither would Cross. He was an outstanding stud dog with something like 100 CHs; and, I must say, a dog I loved to be around. When Cross died, there was never any dog who could fill his corner run at Nani’s - until “Streak” came along, that is! Natl Ch Nani’s Indecent Exposure JH, NAJ, V, BROM. “Streak” –for many reasons he is a favorite, but mainly for the temperaments and bidability he transferred to his puppies. Streak’s sire Natl CH Colsidex Nani Reprint JH BROM HOF “Jack” would have been a great, funny, wonderful dog to have owned and lived with – not only for his ability to stamp breed

type but his comical antics and that of his get as well. Finally, Natl CH Greywind’s Jack Frost BROM HOF , what a beauti- ful, elegant dog. These four dogs are in almost all of my pedi- grees! Two bitches I would have been honored to have been owned by -- CH BIS Nani’s Visa von der Reiteralm BROM HOF –our breed’s youngest BIS dog at 10 months old, plus she was a wonderful producer; and, CH BIS Harline’s Ballet “Ballet”—oh my gosh what a show dog!! I loved the type, the side gait, and the showmanship of these two spectacular bitches…and they both had a ribbon of white on the chest! Enough said! I am, afterall, a bitch person. As an aside, all six of these great dogs were breeder/owner/handled with a huge amount of success. I wish I could have done that – just once! 12. Who do you hope reads this? Oh wow, maybe I don’t want anyone to read it...maybe I’ve been a bit “too hon- est.” Weimaraner judges I guess. We all hear griping about the judging in this breed or that—what is going to make it better? Taking TIME, making an EFFORT, and giving of one’s self to those who want to learn. 13. How do you want to be remembered in the sport of dogs? I’d like to be remembered as: • a kind, considerate, and good judge • a thoughtful, compassionate, and insightful breeder • a loyal friend, and • an asset to the fancy *Bonus — Share some “words of wisdom” to better your breed. My words of wisdom come from 61 years with a breed that means as much to me as my life itself… the Weimaraner. Work with a respected mentor. Listen and learn. Appreciate your handler. Listen and learn. Love your dogs. Listen and learn. In the Fancy, the dogs are the most important ingredient. With your dogs, you’ll have “the good, the bad, and the ugly”— but love them all and treat them all fairly and compassionately. After the dogs, come the people. With the people, you’ll also run into those with ethics and morals that are “the good, the bad, and the ugly”— stay away from the last two. Be one of the good and you can never go wrong.

CH Ashmore's Win'Weim Royal Flush, JH, BROM

BISS CH Win'Weim N Nani Paparazzi


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